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Abonner LS telcom AG

LS telcom AG

euro adhoc: LS telcom AG
End of financial year 2002/03: Moderate increase in revenue at LS telcom, cash exceeds plan (E)

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc.
  The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
Lichtenau, Nov. 19, 2003. During the financial year 2002/03 ending at
Sept. 30, 2003, LS telcom managed to increase sales revenues to EUR
8.4 million, i.e. a 9% increase compared to EUR 7.7 million the year
EBIT has increased on the year-before period from EUR -9.1 million to
EUR -4.0 million. Net loss resulted in EUR -4.9 million (compared to
the year-before EUR -8.0 million), corresponding to a loss per share
of EUR 0.91 (year-before loss per share EUR 1.51). Before
extra-ordinary expenses and one-time adjustments, the net loss of the
company group is EUR -3.0 million.
Per end of financial year 2002/03 LS telcom held cash of EUR 7,6
million. At the same time, the worldwide payroll comprises 125 staff.
The current order book of EUR 7.3 million, of which EUR 5.5 million
are secured revenues for the financial year 2003/2004, exceeds the
year-before noticeably. The company is confident to realise an
increase of around 10-15% in sales revenues, and - considering
further measures to lower ex-penses and re-structuring - to achieve a
neutral result in the financial year 2003/2004.
end of announcement        euro adhoc 20.11.2003

Further inquiry note:

Harald Ludwig
Tel.: +49(0)7227 9535 705

Branche: Telecommunications Services
ISIN: DE0005754402
WKN: 575440
Index: CDAX, Prime All Share, Prime Standard, Technologie All Share
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / regulated dealing
Niedersächsische Börse zu Hannover / free trade
Berliner Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Bayerische Börse / free trade
Hamburger Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Bremer Wertpapierbörse (BWB) / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade

Plus de actualités: LS telcom AG
Plus de actualités: LS telcom AG
  • 25.11.2002 – 08:44

    euro adhoc: LS telcom AG / Strong decrease in revenue in 2001/02 at LS telcom (E)

    Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement. End of financial year 2001/02: Strong decrease in revenue in 2001/02 at LS telcom Lichtenau, Nov. 25, 2002. During the financial year 2001/02 ending at Sept. 30, 2002, LS telcom had to cope with a strong decrease in revenues. Sales revenues of EUR 7.7 ...