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Abonner LS telcom AG

LS telcom AG

euro adhoc: LS telcom AG
Strong decrease in revenue in 2001/02 at LS telcom (E)

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End of financial year 2001/02:
Strong decrease in revenue in 2001/02 at LS telcom
Lichtenau, Nov. 25, 2002. During the financial year 2001/02 ending at
Sept. 30, 2002, LS telcom had to cope with a strong decrease in
revenues. Sales revenues of EUR 7.7 million were achieved, i.e. a 29%
decrease compared to EUR 10.8 million the year before.
EBIT has fallen on the year-before period from EUR 0.3 million to EUR
-9.1 million. After interest earnings and taxation, net loss resulted
in EUR -8.0 million (compared to a year-before profit of EUR 0.4
million), corresponding to a loss per share of EUR 1.51 (year-before
profit per share EUR 0.09).
The net result has fallen on the year-before, owing to the decline in
revenue, a considerable payroll increase of 29% from EUR 6.9 million
to EUR 8.8 million, as well as an increase of other operating
expenses from EUR 3.0 million to EUR 3.8 million, where also one-time
value adjustments of EUR 826 thousand are included, as precaution to
possible risks.
High investments in the past now appear in high depreciations which
have risen by 70% from EUR 2.7 million to EUR 4.6 million, where this
year’s figure also contains extraordinary depreciations of EUR 0.6
million on capitalised development costs plus EUR 0.5 million on
UMTS-specific intangible assets.
Total shareholders equity amounts to  EUR 18.6 million, equivalent to
an equity ratio of 84%. Per end of financial year 2001/02 LS telcom
held cash of EUR 10,7 million (EUR 15.8 million the year before).
The experienced investment reluctance in wireless industry has lead
to massive shifts of revenues to the future, and thus to the
discrepancy of this year’s business compared to original
expectations. These market factors could not be compensated by LS
telcom despite implemented cost saving measures and intensified sales
efforts. Since the decline in revenues is rather due to a shift and
not a cancellation of projects, the board of LS telcom did not yet
implement a severe cut-back of staff, which inherently would bear the
risk of loosing valuable expertise and decisive experience. As per
Sept. 30, 2002, worldwide payroll comprises 163 staff.
For the financial  year 2002/03, LS telcom expects a balanced result.
Considering the current order book of EUR 4.5 million and a number of
concrete prospects with high likelihood of realisation within the
coming quarter, this goal seems realistic.
end of announcement        euro adhoc 25.11.2002

Further inquiry note:

Harald Ludwig Tel.: +49(0)7227 9535 705 HLUDWIG@LSTELCOM.Com

Branche: Telecommunications Services
ISIN: DE0005754402
WKN: 575440
Index: Nemax All Share
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