Keine Story von Schweizerischer Nationalfonds / Fonds national suisse mehr verpassen.
  • 21.01.2025 – 08:00

    Music to support babies in neonatal intensive care units

    Bern (ots) - Certain melodies promote brain development in premature infants. For several years, a team of scientists funded by the SNSF observed this phenomenon. They now know more precisely which areas of the brain react over time. Premature infants are more likely to suffer from attention and emotional regulation disorders. For over a decade, a team funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) has been ...

  • 28.11.2024 – 08:00

    Men who conform to traditional gender roles are at a higher risk of suicide

    Bern (ots) - Men commit suicide much more often than women. Those who want to live up to the traditional male image of strength and independence are particularly at risk. Prevention measures should focus more on them in future. The global suicide rate among men is between two and four times that of women, including in Switzerland. One reason for this considerable ...

  • 11.11.2024 – 14:00

    Animal experiments: SNSF warns of consequences of a ban

    Bern (ots) - The popular initiative in favour of banning animal experiments would significantly weaken Switzerland as a centre of research. Furthermore, animal testing could be relocated to countries with much less stringent welfare rules. The popular initiative "Ja zur tierversuchsfreien Zukunft" (Yes to a future without animal testing) aims to ban animal experiments in Switzerland. This would massively restrict human ...

  • 02.10.2024 – 08:00

    Full-time employees face higher risk of cancer

    Bern (ots) - Working at 100% is linked to a higher incidence of the disease, according to an SNSF-funded study. Self-employed men and women who stay at home fared best, but the explanation is not as straightforward as it might seem. Some of the risk factors for cancer are well known - smoking, alcohol, a sedentary lifestyle - while others are a bit harder to explain. For example, work. As part of the completed, ...

  • 19.09.2024 – 08:00

    Breathing and heartbeat influence perception

    Bern (ots) - A study funded by the SNSF highlights previously unknown links between the body and the brain. The findings of this research carried out at the University of Fribourg show how our bodily rhythms affect our visual perception. Taking a deep breath to get a clearer picture is perhaps more effective than you might think. Breathing has a physiological impact on the perception of visual stimuli. This is what ...

  • 29.08.2024 – 08:00

    Nanoplastics put stress on trees and impair photosynthesis

    Bern (ots) - Spruce and deciduous trees take up nano-sized microscopic plastic particles via their roots. These can reach the leaves and needles where they have an effect on photosynthesis. The exact mechanism behind this is not yet fully understood. It is well known that more and more plastic waste is ending up in soil and bodies of water. Researchers are particularly concerned about tiny micro- and nano-sized particles. ...

  • 22.04.2024 – 14:15

    Essential investments in education, research and innovation

    Bern (ots) - The Federal Council draft of the Dispatch on the promotion of education, research and innovation (ERI Dispatch) for the period 2025-2028 is strongly influenced by concerns about the overall state of government finances. Thus there will be fewer financial resources available to the ERI sector in 2025 than in the previous year. As a consequence, there is a risk that the level of services will be cut back and ...

  • 18.04.2024 – 08:00

    Ten years of research deliver sustainable solutions across the world

    Bern (ots) - The r4d programme of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Swiss National Science Foundation is ending. It funded 57 research partnerships between Switzerland and countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Research can help solve global economic, environmental and societal problems. With this aim in mind, the Swiss Programme for ...

  • 28.03.2024 – 08:00

    Preventive drone attacks based on digital traces are a grey area under international law

    Bern (ots) - Identifying terrorists by analysing their online activities is an approach that is sometimes at odds with international law, especially if the outcome is death. A study has documented this problematic legal and ethical issue. These days, virtually everyone leaves footprints in the digital world. Terrorists are no exception. Intelligence agencies realised ...

  • 21.02.2024 – 08:00

    Wie Fadenwürmer altern - und was das für die Menschen bedeuten könnte

    Bern (ots) - Ein Protein reduziert die Lebenserwartung von Fadenwürmern. Diese Entdeckung wirft die Frage auf, ob es beim Menschen ebenfalls den Alterungsprozess mitbewirkt. Selbst von den am besten erforschten Genen und Proteinen kennt man noch längst nicht alle Geheimnisse. Wie das Schweizer Taschenmesser haben sie zahlreiche, teilweise unbekannte Funktionen. Mit ...