Actualités sur Illusion

Abonner Illusion
  • 20.11.2023 – 08:00

    Schweizerischer Nationalfonds / Fonds national suisse

    How robots make people hear voices

    Bern (ots) - Researchers have developed a method for triggering auditory hallucinations in healthy people. They are investigating the causes of a phenomenon that can be a huge burden for people with psychiatric illnesses. Studies indicate that five to ten per cent of all people sometimes hear voices - those of dead relatives or higher beings, for example - without having any kind of illness. In other words, the phenomenon is not restricted to people with psychiatric ...

  • 05.11.2020 – 08:00

    Schweizerischer Nationalfonds / Fonds national suisse

    Listening or lip-reading? It's down to brainwaves

    Bern (ots) - Researchers supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation have discovered that neural oscillations determine whether the brain chooses eyes or ears to interpret speech. To decipher what a person is telling us, we rely on what we hear as well as on what we see by observing lip movements and facial expressions. Until now, we did not know how the brain chooses between auditory and visual stimuli. But a ...