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Abonner Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG

Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG

EANS-Adhoc: Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG
Losses from write-downs in the first half of 2009 - indicators show stabilizing hotel market

  ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
  distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
6-month report
Losses from write-downs in the first half of 2009 - indicators show 
stabilizing hotel market
. Valuation of properties as at 30 June 2009 reveals  impairments  totalling
      EUR 87.5 million because of the difficult  market  conditions,  especially
      for transactions
    . Stabilization of the hotel market in the second quarter expected  to  slow
    . Falling interest rates and rising yields for  properties  in  Central  and
      Eastern Europe expected to boost transaction volumes at the end of 2009
    . Development projects  continued  successfully  and  according  to  plan  -
      showcase hotels andel's Berlin and andel's Lodz completed
|Key figures in EUR millions        |H1 2009       |Change      |H1 2008       |
|                                   |              |            |              |
|Total revenues                      37,778        |-15%        |44,325        |
|Gains from the sale of
project companies                   |2,288         |-76%        |9,585         |
|EBITDA                             |-1,875        |-           |19,035        |
|EBIT                               |-82,631       |-           |12,847        |
|Profit for the period              |-98,567       |-           |136           |
|Earnings/loss per share in EUR     |-2.62         |-           |-0.00         |
|                                   |              |            |              |
|Number of hotels                   |19            |2           |17            |
|Number of rooms (adjusted for      |3,195         |633         |2,562         |
|proportionate share of ownership)  |              |            |              |
|Number of office and commercial     5             |-2          |7             |
|properties                         |              |            |              |
|Number of hotel development projects|5             |-9          |14
|                                   |              |            |              |
|                                   |30.06.2009    |            |31.12.2008    |
|Gross asset value (GAV) in EURm    |557.5         |-16%        |666.7         |
|Triple net asset value (NNNAV) EURm|117.6         |-62%        |310.9         |
|NNNAV per share in EUR             |3.3           |-62%        |8.4           |
* restated
Vienna, 28 August 2009 - The first half of the year  for  Warimpex  Finanz-  und
Beteiligungs AG brought a loss in the amount of  EUR  98.6  million  because  of
impairment write-downs, and also in part serious declines  in  occupancy  levels
and room rates. Warimpex was not able to  escape  the  effects  of  the  adverse
overall market environment, and was hit especially hard by  the  virtual  freeze
on the transaction market that led to rising discount margins and  therefore  to
changes in the valuation of the Group's properties as at the reporting date.  In
contrast, the Company also saw clear recovery tendencies  on  the  hotel  market
towards the end of the reporting period, and  a  series  of  positive  events  -
first and foremost the opening of the two showcase andel's hotels in Berlin  and
Lodz. There are also clear signs that the transaction  market  will  
recover  at the end of 2009.
The hotel industry is  also  generally  early  cyclical,  and  
therefore  reacts differently to changes on the market than office 
properties. Compared  to  2008, the numbers at our hotels in May, 
June and  July  were  already  notably  better than in February and 
March. These gains can be  attributed  above  all  to  good business 
in the tourism segment. Now, the most  important  factor  will  be  
the month of September, when the corporate market picks back up and 
the  room  rates for 2010 are negotiated. Advance reservations for 
conferences and  seminars  are already higher this year than at this 
point in 2008. In the Development & Asset Management  segment,  which
comprises  our  property development  and  sales  activities,  our   
development   projects   are   under construction and  proceeding  
according  to  schedule.  Conditions  for  selling properties 
remained difficult in the second quarter of 2009,  but  the  sale  of
the newly renovated Csogolany office building in Budapest at good 
terms  at  the end of June was very encouraging. Falling interest 
rates and rising  yields  for properties in Central and Eastern 
Europe are attracting increased  attention  to the region among 
institutional real estate investors.
Financial result Consolidated sales were down by 15 per cent from EUR
44.3 million  to  EUR  37.8 million in the first six months of the 
2009 financial year. Revenues from  hotel operations fell from EUR 
41.6 million in the first half  of  2008  to  EUR  34.9 million in 
the reporting period. The majority of this decline can be  attributed
to Prague, where sales in the five-star segment declined by as much  
as  40  per cent in annual comparison. Sales also contracted 
considerably in some  cases  in the four-star segment in the Czech 
Republic and on other markets.  In  contrast, revenues from the 
letting of offices and the provision of  development  services 
increased by 6 per cent to EUR 2.9 million.
The operating profit before write-downs (EBITDA) fell from  EUR  19  
million  in the first six months of 2008 to minus EUR 1,9 million, 
and the operating  profit (EBIT) decreased from EUR 12.8 million  at 
30  June  2008  to  minus  EUR  98.6 million at the reporting  date  
because  of  write-downs.  All  properties  were valuated by the 
independent international appraiser CB Richard Ellis  (CBRE)  as of 
30 June  2009.  The  property  values  that  were  determined  were  
impacted especially  by  the  difficult  market  environment  at  the
reporting   date, especially in terms of transaction volume. Overall,
impairments  totalling  EUR 87.5 million had to be recognized because
the fair values at the reporting  date were lower than the carrying 
Real estate assets At 30 June 2009, the real estate  portfolio  of  
the  Warimpex  Group  comprised nineteen hotels with a total of 4,603
rooms (3,195 rooms when adjusted  for  the proportionate share of 
ownership), plus five  office  properties  with  a  total lettable 
floor area of some 28,000 square  metres  (18,000  square  metres  
when adjusted for the proportionate share of ownership).
To  ensure  complete  transparency,  all  properties  were   valuated
by   the independent international appraiser CB Richard Ellis (CBRE) 
as at 30 June  2009, and Warimpex also reports its triple net asset 
Value (NNNAV) in  its  management report. As of 30 June 2009, the 
NNNAV per  share  was  EUR  3.3,  and  therefore roughly 62 per cent 
lower than at the end of 2008.
Outlook In the coming months, our strategic focus will be  on  
completing  the  projects that we currently have under  construction,
optimizing  our  portfolio  and  on actively managing our assets. As 
soon as transaction  volumes  pick  up  on  the market again,  we  
plan  to  seize  promising  opportunities  to  buy  and  sell 
properties. We have already seen signs that  our  market  bottomed  
out  in  the first half of the year. Warimpex has accounted for all 
developments to  date  in its balance sheet, and is now at the 
beginning of a phase of recovery.
[1] The NNNAV was defined by the EPRA (European Public Real Estate 
Association) as an internationally comparable "intrinsic value" of 
all assets of an investment company and takes reserves and deferred 
taxes into account in addition to the net asset value (NAV).
end of ad-hoc-announcement ==========================================
====================================== The Report is available for 
download on our website:
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG
Phone: +43 1 310 55 00
Christoph Salzer
Daniel Folian,

Branche: Real Estate
ISIN: AT0000827209
Index: ATX Prime
Börsen: Wien / official market

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Plus de actualités: Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG