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Abonner ComBOTS AG


euro adhoc: ComBOTS AG
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet
Ad-hoc disclosure in accordance with § 15 WpHG (German Securities Trading Act): ComBOTS AG with EUR 273.1 million net income for FY 2005 - current liquid asset value of more than EUR 450 million

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc.
  The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
Karlsruhe, March 16, 2006. ComBOTS AG reports for FY 2005 a record
result on a full year basis, achieved thanks to the transaction with
the United Internet Group completed in 2005. Financial statements
have been prepared in accordance with IFRS for the first time. At
today’s financial press conference the Group presents a profit of EUR
273.1 million (PY: EUR -3.3 million). As of December 31, 2005 the
Group owned liquid assets of EUR 439 million; this corresponded to
EUR 12.24 per traded share. Following the contribution of the entire
Internet portal business to the United Internet Group, ComBOTS has
been focussing entirely on Personal Digital Communication since
Q4/2005. The financial statements strongly reflect this strategic
positioning of the Group.
In the wake of the alliance with United Internet, ComBOTS AG had an
inflow of EUR 200 million in cash and 5.8 million shares
corresponding to a shareholding of 9.31% in United Internet AG. As of
December 31, 2005 this translated to an equivalent of EUR 387 million
and hence EUR 54 million more than initially assumed on the
announcement of the alliance (value as at March 16, 2005: EUR 333
million). For 2005 a positive result of EUR 286 million from
discontinued operations is reported. This figure takes into account
taxes as well as costs incurred in connection with the transaction
and migration as well as the result of the portal business until the
transfer effective September 30, 2005. During the first three
quarters the portal generated revenues of EUR 41.2 million with an
EBITDA of EUR 13.4 million. In this way the business is contributing
its extraordinary revenue and earnings momentum, which had been
continuing over several years, to the newly formed market leader in
the German portal and Internet services business constituted together
with United Internet in the fourth quarter of 2005. Consequently,
ComBOTS continues to directly participate in the rapid revenue and
earnings growth of the new number one in the German Internet
The result from continued operations of EUR -12.8 million (PY EUR
-9.0 million) is shaped by the enormous efforts of the company in
research and development for the ComBOTS® product, to be launched on
July 12, 2006. The R&D expenditure amounted in FY 2005 to EUR 13.1
million (PY: EUR 7.7 million) and reflects the objective of the
company to bring to market maturity this highly innovative product
developed for worldwide marketing. In 2005 alone 21 new patent
applications were filed which means that the company now holds 94
international patents and patent applications. In the run-up to the
launch of ComBOTS® Group revenues (EUR 0.6 million) and Gross profit
for 2005 (EUR 0.5 million) still play a subordinate role.
Considering the imminent launch of the ComBOTS® right before this
year’s Annual Shareholder Meeting as well as the unpredictable
finance requirements involved required for an international
expansion, the Executive Board has proposed to the Supervisory Board
to carry forward the retained earnings on new accounts. The
Supervisory Board has approved this profit allocation proposal.
Driven by the positive appreciation of the equity stake in United
Internet AG held as backing for the strategic alliance, the liquid
asset value per share reaches currently approx. EUR 13 per share (in
aggregate, more than EUR 450 million). Therefore, prior to the launch
of ComBOTS® the share price reflects neither the investments over the
past three years in product, organization and technology nor the
enormous market potential of Personal Digital Communication, but
merely the level of the underlying liquid asset value. The Executive
Board is convinced that it will be able to further increase the
shareholder value through the strategy which is being implemented,
combined with the goal to become the world market leadership in the
field of Personal Digital Communication.
Appendix: Table
in mln. Euro                     2005    2004
Revenues                          0.6     0.7
Cost of Sales                    -0.1    -0.2
Gross profit                      0.5     0.5
Marketing + Advertising          -0.7    -0.6
General administration costs     -4.0    -1.6
Research + Development          -13.1    -7.7
Operating result                -17.3    -9.3
Result continued operations     -12.8    -9.0
Result discontinued operations  285.9     5.7
Net result for the year         273.1    -3.3
Liquid funds                    439.0   109.0
Shareholders' equity            428.9   125.5
Balance sheet total             476.7   156.4
Silvia Teschner
Investor Relations
Tel.:  +49 (0)721 5160 2701
Fax:   +49 (0)721 5160 2702
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 16.03.2006 07:00:00

Further inquiry note:

Silvia Teschner
Investor Relations
Tel.: +49 (0)721 5160 2701
Fax: +49 (0)721 5160 2702

Branche: Online
Index: TecDAX, Midcap Market Index, HDAX, Prime All Share, CDAX
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / regulated dealing/prime
Börse Berlin-Bremen / free trade
Hamburger Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Niedersächsische Börse zu Hannover / free trade
Bayerische Börse / free trade

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Plus de actualités: ComBOTS AG