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Intercell AG

EANS-Adhoc: Intercell AG
Intercell Announces FDA Approval of IXIARO®, a Novel Vaccine to Prevent Japanese Encephalitis

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New Products
» U.S. FDA approves Intercell's first marketed product, a new vaccine
  against Japanese Encephalitis for travelers and military personnel
» Commercial product launch in the U.S. planned for Q2 2009
Vienna, Austria, March 30, 2009 - Intercell AG (VSE: ICLL) today 
announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved 
IXIARO®, a new vaccine for the prevention of Japanese Encephalitis 
(JE). The initial target for use of Intercell's vaccine - the only 
such product currently manufactured for the U.S. market - will be 
adult travelers and military personnel who visit or are deployed to 
affected countries, including India, China, and other parts of Asia.
"This approval is a major achievement for Intercell, and it marks a 
significant milestone in this company´s history. The approval of 
IXIARO by the FDA - part of a regulatory process that included 
parallel filings in Europe and Australia - puts us in a select group 
of biotechnology companies with both an FDA-approved product and an 
outstanding pipeline of promising vaccine candidates," said 
Intercell's Chief Executive Officer, Gerd Zettlmeissl. "With this 
decision, Americans - both civilians and military personnel - will 
have an efficacious and safe way to protect themselves from the 
devastating and deadly effects of Japanese Encephalitis."
JE is a deadly infectious disease found mainly in Asia. Approximately
30,000 to 50,000 cases of JE are reported in Asia each year, and the 
actual number of cases are likely much higher due to underreporting 
in rural areas. JE is fatal in approximately 30 percent of those who 
show symptoms and leaves half of survivors with permanent brain 
damage. As there is no specific treatment for JE, vaccination is the 
only highly effective protection for the millions of travelers and 
military personnel who live in or travel to areas where the virus 
Intercell's vaccine is a purified, inactivated product for active 
immunization against viral infections of Japanese Encephalitis. 
IXIARO is manufactured at Intercell's proprietary manufacturing 
facility in Scotland and is prepared using tissue culture rather than
live organisms. Novartis AG holds marketing and distribution rights 
for IXIARO in the United States, Europe, Japan, South Korea and 
certain other markets in Asia and Latin America. Intercell will 
directly distribute and market IXIARO to the U.S. military.
Prior to approval, the vaccine was tested in a series of large-scale 
clinical trials with around 5,000 individuals. The total development 
time of this vaccine from research to approval took more than 10 
years. The vaccine was developed under a Collaborative Research and 
Development Agreement with the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
in the U.S. The vaccine was also approved by the Australian 
Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in January 2009 and is 
expected to be approved in Europe shortly following a positive 
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Intercell AG
Lucia Malfent
Head of Corporate Communications
Tel. +43 1 20620-1303

Branche: Biotechnology
ISIN: AT0000612601
Index: ATX Prime, ATX
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market

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