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Intercell AG

euro adhoc: Intercell AG
Intercell making strides towards imminent approval of its Japanese Encephalitis vaccine in the United States - Approvals in United States, Europe and Australia remain on track for 2008

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Company Information
» Intercell receives positive feedback from the US Food and Drug
  Administration (FDA) towards earliest possible product approval
» Discussion on Japanese Encephalitis vaccines is expected to take 
place at   the meeting of the Advisory Committee for Immunization 
Practices (ACIP)   on October 22
» The European centralized procedure approval process also is 
advancing   according to plan targeting a positive opinion from the 
Committee for   Medical Products for Human Use (CHMP) by end 2008
» In Australia, following Therapeutic Goods Administration's (TGA) 
earlier   decision to accelerate the approval process, a positive 
approval decision is   expected in 2008
Vienna (Austria), October 20, 2008 - Following the positive feedback 
from the FDA, Intercell announced today an update on the regulatory 
approval processes for its Japanese Encephalitis vaccine in the 
United States, Europe and Australia.
In the US, Intercell has concluded all submissions requested by the 
FDA towards licensure. The remaining final formal alignment steps on 
Product Insert leaflet and Product Release protocol have been 
initiated. Intercell and the FDA are now jointly working towards the 
product approval, which should follow as soon as possible. Given this
positive and encouraging feedback from the authority, Intercell has 
focused its manufacturing efforts on a timely product delivery to the
US military still in 2008 and to its distribution partners Novartis 
and CSL Limited.
Furthermore, Intercell looks forward to the forthcoming ACIP 
discussion on Japanese Encephalitis vaccines scheduled for October 
22, 2008. ACIP is the leading vaccine policy-making group in the 
United States.
For the European Marketing Authorization Application (MAA) Intercell 
expects to conclude its application submission process by responding 
to the final list of outstanding issues from the EMEA (European 
Medicines Agency) within the next few weeks. This plan has been 
agreed upon with the European authorities and exactly follows the 
roadmap towards a positive CHMP opinion expected by end of year 2008.
Intercell has received an evaluation report by the licensing 
authority (TGA) in Australia and plans to conclude all supplementary 
submissions in the very near future. Intercell is looking towards the
next possible advisory meeting and is expecting an approval decision 
in Australia also before the end of the year.
"We view the recent regulatory feedback from the FDA as extremely 
positive. It is an outstanding achievement for our company to 
successfully advance parallel regulatory processes in all key markets
for travellers and military personnel", states Gerd Zettlmeissl, 
Chief Executive Officer of Intercell AG. "Based on the important 
progress made recently we are very confident that we will obtain 
approval for our Japanese Encephalitis vaccine in the United States, 
Europe and Australia during 2008. Although we have not yet received 
the US approval at this point the current regulatory progress fully 
supports our strategy and all of our commercial plans."
Novartis AG holds marketing and distribution rights for Intercell´s 
Japanese Encephalitis vaccine, trade named IXIARO®, in the United 
States, Europe and certain other markets in Asia and Latin America.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Intercell AG
Lucia Malfent
Head of Communications
Tel. +43 1 20620-303

Branche: Biotechnology
ISIN: AT0000612601
Index: ATX Prime, ATX
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market

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