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Abonner UNIQA Versicherungen AG

UNIQA Versicherungen AG

EANS-Adhoc: UNIQA Versicherungen AG
Results 2012: UNIQA achieves earnings target

  ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
  distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet/annual report

Results 2012: UNIQA achieves earnings target
· UNIQA generates EBT of 205.4 million euros: increase of 44.9% versus 2010
· Consolidated net profit totals 130.2 million euros
· Proposed dividend of 25 cents per share
The UNIQA Group generated earnings before taxes (EBT) of 205.4 million euros in
the 2012 financial year (2011: -322.3 million euros). For 2012, UNIQA had set
the target of generating EBT in excess of the earnings figure for 2010 (2010:
141.8 million euros). The company achieved this goal by an increase of 44.9%.
Consolidated net profit (after taxes and minority interests) for the 2012
financial year amounted to 130.2 million euros (2011: -245.6 million euros).
Total premiums written - including the savings portions of unit- and index-
linked life insurance - rose slightly by 0.2% to 5,543.1 million euros (2011:
5,534.2 million euros).
The Group cost ratio after reinsurance dropped to 25.0% (2011: 26.8%). The
combined ratio in property and casualty insurance after reinsurance fell to
101.3% in 2012 (2011: 104.9%). The ROE after taxes was 9.1%. The return on sales
(ROS) was 3.9%. The Management Board will propose to the Supervisory Board and
the Annual General Meeting the distribution of a dividend of 25 cents per share
for the 2012 financial year. This corresponds to a payout ratio of 41%.
Key data for the 2012 financial year

                                                2012     2011         delta  
Figures in EUR million                                                         
Premiums written including the savings
portions of unit- and index-linked life                                      
insurance                                    5,543.1  5,534.2         +0.2%
  of which property and casualty insurance   2,545.9  2,409.8         +5.6%  
  of which health insurance                    909.1    880.1         +3.3%  
  of which life insurance                    2,088.1  2,244.3         -7.0%  
    of which recurring premiums              1,554.6  1,643.4         -5.4%  
    of which single-premium business           533.5    600.9        -11.2%  
Premiums earned (net) including the savings                                  
portion of premiums from unit- and index-
linked life insurance                        5,273.8  5,264.7         +0.2%
Net insurance benefits                      -3,758.5 -3,657.9         +2.8%
Operating expenses (net)2)                  -1,319.3 -1,412.8         -6.6%  
Cost ratio (net after reinsurance)             25.0%    26.8%             -  
Combined ratio (net after reinsurance)        101.3%   104.9%             -  
Net investment income                          791.5    201.8       +292.2%  
Profit/loss on ordinary activities             205.4   -322.3             -  
Net profit/loss                                169.8   -243.8             -  
Consolidated profit/loss                       130.2   -245.6             -
Return on equity (ROE) after taxes and                                       
minorities                                      9.1%   -22.8%             -
Investments3)                               26,307.6 24,601.1         +6.9%  
Shareholders'equity                          1,995.3    875.9       +127.8%
Total equity including minority interests    2,017.6  1,095.6        +84.2%  

1) Fully consolidated values.
2) Including reinsurance commissions and profit shares from
reinsurance business ceded.
3) Including self-used land and buildings, land and buildings held as financial
investments, shares in associated companies, investments held on account and at

risk of life insurance policyholders and liquid funds.                          

Clause regarding predictions about the future:

This report contains statements which refer to the future development of UNIQA.
These statements present estimations which were reached upon the basis of all of
the information available to us at the present time. If the assumptions on which
they are based do not occur, the actual events may vary from the results
currently expected. As a result, no guarantee can be provided for the
information given.

Further inquiry note:
UNIQA Versicherungen AG
Norbert Heller
Tel.: +43 (01) 211 75-3414

end of announcement                               euro adhoc 

issuer:      UNIQA Versicherungen AG
             Untere Donaustraße 21
             A-1029 Wien
phone:       01/211 75-0
sector:      Insurance
ISIN:        AT0000821103
indexes:     WBI, ATX Prime
stockmarkets: official market: Wien 
language:   English