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Abonner JoWooD Productions Software AG

JoWooD Productions Software AG

euro adhoc: JoWooD Productions Software AG
Annual Reports
JoWooD confirms preliminary results 2002 (E)

Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.
-	Total sales in 2002 increased to EUR 43.5 million.
-	Sales in the forth quarter amounted to EUR 13.3 million.
-	Group result after minorities in the forth quarter clearly positive
at EUR 1.8 million 
-	A new sales model shall ensure survival of the company
Sales of JoWooD Productions Software AG rose by about 4.4% compared
to last year to EUR 43.5 million in 2002. Due to restructuring
measures started in the third quarter EBIT for the total year 2002
dropped to EUR -42.8 million and was considerably below last year.
The group result after minorities amounted to EUR -28.6 million. EBIT
before restructuring measures and one-off effects amounted to EUR-5.6
million for the whole business year.
Taking into consideration the agreed bank discounts to the amount of
TEUR 8,948 along with the extensive restructuring measures and value
corrections the total assets of the group lowered to TEUR 52,440
(2001: TEUR 67,670). Reported equity capital amounts to TEUR 13,942
(2001: TEUR 30,252).
The restructuring measures that were introduced in the third quarter
and intensified in the forth quarter have had a considerable positive
impact on the forth quarter 2002. Sales reached EUR 13.3 million,
with a positive EBIT of TEUR 96. The group results for the forth
quarter 2002 amounted to EUR 1.8 million.
As a part of the restructuring measures discounts have already been
agreed on in the upper two-digit million area. Furthermore,
approximately 50% of the employees have been laid off and the whole
organisation has been restructured. Additionally, the first of many
office locations have been consolidated, non-personnel costs have
been reduced and clear cuts have been realized in the product
portfolio. The primary goal being a positive EBIT for the year 2003.
For details on the financial statement 2002 see
end of announcement        euro adhoc 05.03.2003

Further inquiry note:

JoWooD Productions Software AG Dr. Michael Pistauer, Vorstand. Karin Kraberger, Investor
Relations Tel.: +43 (0)3614 2966 1015

Branche: Software
ISIN: AT0000747357
WKN: 074735
Index: ATX Prime, ViDX, WBI
Börsen: Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Bayerische Börse / free trade
Berliner Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Wiener Börse AG / official dealing

Plus de actualités: JoWooD Productions Software AG
Plus de actualités: JoWooD Productions Software AG