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Abonner Conergy AG

Conergy AG

euro adhoc: Conergy AG
Quarterly or Semiannual Financial Statements / Conergy reports profitable first-quarter growth of 68% Ad hoc release of Conergy AG pursuant to § 15 German Securities Trading Act:

Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc.
  The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
Solar systems provider Conergy (ISIN DE 00060 40025) increased sales
and earnings according to plan in the first quarter of 2005. Despite
widespread snow-fall in both January and February, the Conergy Group
boosted its consolidated sales to EUR 45.8 million, up 67.8% versus
the same period last year. As a re-sult, Conergy once again clearly
outperformed the global solar market in this quarter. For the first
time in its history, Conergy was also able to report positive
operating earnings before taxes and IPO expenses (EBIT) of EUR 2.9
million in the first quarter of a financial year. "The first quarter
was extremely exciting and exceeded our expectations. In addition to
our successful IPO, we made signifi-cant headway in implementing our
internationalisation strategy and launched new, innovative products.
We consistently expanded our production capacities and secured
sufficient volumes of components that are characterised by a tight
supply situation. In 2005, we therefore expect sales in excess of EUR
500 million and after-tax income of more than EUR 27 million,"
explains Hans-Martin Rüter, chief executive officer and founder of
Conergy AG. Conergy gained a profitable entry to the US market
through an acquisition in the first quarter of 2005. Newly
established companies in Australia, Portugal and, in April, in
Mexico, enable Conergy to develop further markets with high growth
potential. Thanks to its ver-satile solar product lines, Conergy's
international distribution network is focused strictly on the
specific customer requirements for solar energy, heat or cooling in
different regional markets.
end of announcement                    euro adhoc 10.05.2005 07:45:16 

Further inquiry note:

Thorsten Vespermann
Head of Corporate Communications
Tel.: +49 (0)40 237 102 171

Branche: Energy
ISIN: DE0006040025
WKN: 604002
Index: Prime Standard
Börsen: Berliner Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Hamburger Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Niedersächsische Börse zu Hannover / free trade
Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / official dealing