Keine Story von Fürstentum Liechtenstein mehr verpassen.
  • 05.09.2024 – 09:30

    Report and motion on the new EEA Financial Mechanism

    Vaduz (ots) - The EEA Financial Mechanism promotes economic and social balance within the European Economic Area (EEA). Following the conclusion of negotiations on the new 2021-2028 mechanism at the end of last year, the Government has now adopted the report and motion for submission to the Liechtenstein Parliament. As a member of the EEA, Liechtenstein - together with its EEA/EFTA partners Norway and Iceland - has ...

  • 10.07.2024 – 10:18

    Extension of strategic gas reserve

    Vaduz (ots) - At its meeting on 9 July 2024, the Government approved the Report and Motion of the Government on extension of the interest-free loan to Liechtenstein Wärme - the establishment responsible for Liechtenstein's natural gas supply - to maintain the country's strategic gas reserve. Pursuant to the Ordinance of 29 June 2022 on Securing the Supply of Natural Gas in the Event of a Serious Shortage (Natural Gas Supply Security Ordinance, EVSV), Liechtenstein Wärme ...

  • 28.05.2024 – 13:52

    Liechtenstein's AAA rating affirmed

    Vaduz (ots) - After concluding its rating process, the international rating agency S&P Global Ratings affirmed Liechtenstein's country rating in its research update of 27 May 2024 with the highest rating, AAA, and a stable outlook. In its report affirming the rating, S&P Global Ratings cites the very positive result of the national accounts and the strong fiscal position of the country's public budgets. The stable outlook ...

  • 02.05.2024 – 11:32

    Liechtenstein's Deputy Prime Minister Sabine Monauni visits the United States

    Vaduz (ots) - From April 29 to May 2, Deputy Prime Minister Sabine Monauni, who is Liechtenstein's Minister of Home Affairs, Economy and Environment, visited the US. In Washington, DC she held bilateral talks on Liechtenstein - US economic relations. The US is one of Liechtenstein's most important economic and trading partners with Liechtenstein companies providing ...

  • 12.07.2023 – 16:04

    Liechtenstein and Italy sign double taxation agreement

    Vaduz (ots) - In a virtual signing ceremony on 12 July 2023, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Daniel Risch and Italian Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs Giancarlo Giorgetti signed the double taxation agreement (DTA) between Liechtenstein and Italy. The DTA will enter into force once the domestic legislative process is complete. This successful signing of the DTA - which had already been initialled in 2019 - ...

  • 01.06.2023 – 16:04

    Liechtenstein to start official accession negotiations with the IMF

    Vaduz (ots) - In the autumn of last year, the Liechtenstein Parliament instructed the Government to start accession negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Following numerous preliminary talks at a technical level, the Government has now officially filed an application for IMF membership and has thus started the formal accession process. The Executive ...

  • 19.11.2020 – 08:31

    Brexit: Government takes further preparatory action to prepare the withdrawal of the UK from the EEA internal market in the field of investment services and activities

    Vaduz (ots) - At its meeting on 17 November 2020, the Government approved an amendment to the Banking Ordinance This measure allows banks or investment firms established in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to continue to provide investment services and activities as well as ancillary services ...

  • 03.10.2019 – 17:13

    ikr: Liechtenstein Parliament approves Blockchain Act unanimously

    Vaduz (ots) - The Liechtenstein Parliament today passed the Token and TT Service Provider Act (TVTG). This means that the law can enter into force on 1 January 2020. With the new law, Liechtenstein is the first country to have a comprehensive regulation of the token economy. On the one hand, the law regulates civil law issues in relation to client protection and asset ...

  • 08.07.2019 – 10:45

    ikr: Liechtenstein's Financial Stability Council held its first meeting

    Vaduz (ots) - The Financial Stability Council (FSC) held its first meeting on 5 July 2019. The Financial Stability Council is the central body for macroprudential supervision in Liechtenstein and has been legally established in May 2019. The council's members are representatives of the Ministry for General Government Affairs and Finance and the Financial Market ...

  • 07.06.2019 – 17:39

    ikr: Liechtenstein Blockchain Act on track

    Vaduz (ots) - Yesterday, the Liechtenstein parliament dealt with the Act on Tokens and TT Service Providers (TVTG) in its first reading. Entering into the first reading was undisputed and unanimously supported. Members of Parliament recognised the opportunities offered by this regulatory approach and at the same time addressed the risks. "The discussions were constructive and at a remarkable level. I would like to thank ...

  • 08.05.2019 – 12:38

    ikr: Report and Motion on the Blockchain Act adopted

    Vaduz (ots) - On 7 May 2019, the Government adopted the Report and Motion on the creation of a Law on Tokens and Trustworthy Technology Service Providers (Token and TT Service Provider Act; TVTG), frequently referred to as the "Blockchain Act". Blockchain technology was initially developed for Bitcoin, a private digital monetary system. However, the technology can be used far beyond Bitcoin. Blockchain technology is ...

  • 26.03.2019 – 08:53

    ikr: Brexit: Liechtenstein is prepared

    Vaduz (ots) - The EU Member States and the British Prime Minister agreed at the EU Council this week to postpone Brexit until at least 12 April 2019. If the British Parliament approves the withdrawal agreement this week, the UK will leave the EU in an orderly fashion on 22 May 2019. If Parliament rejects the deal again, the British Government will have to submit proposals for further action, otherwise the UK will leave ...

  • 21.02.2019 – 10:05

    ikr: Financial Center Strategy for Liechtenstein

    Vaduz (ots) - The Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein is defining new measures to expand the competitiveness of the financial centre. Today, the Government published a comprehensive financial centre strategy, consistently pursuing the path it has embarked on. The financial centre strategy aims to strengthen Liechtenstein's attractiveness as an international and innovative financial centre for the long term. ...

  • 02.10.2018 – 14:08

    ikr: ECOFIN removes Liechtenstein from "Grey List"

    Vaduz (ots) - With its decision of 2 October 2018 the EU Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) removed Liechtenstein from the so-called "Grey List". The EU thereby confirms that Liechtenstein complies with the EU criteria of tax transparency, fair business taxation and the implementation of the BEPS minimum standards. On 5 December 2017 the ECOFIN listed several countries and territories on the EU-list of ...

  • 29.08.2018 – 10:22

    ikr: Consultation launched on Blockchain Act

    Vaduz (ots) - In its meeting of 28 August 2018, the Government adopted the consultation report on the Law on Transaction Systems Based on Trustworthy Technologies (TT) (Blockchain Act; TT Act; VTG) and the amendment of further laws. A blockchain is a distributed database on which transactions or contracts are encrypted and stored in a tamper-proof manner. Blockchain technology not only forms the basis for cryptocurrencies ...

  • 18.06.2018 – 13:34

    ikr: Tax Act amendment adopted by the Diet

    Vaduz (ots) - In its meeting of 7 June 2018, the Liechtenstein Parliament adopted amendments to the Tax Act. The amendments were based on the review of the Liechtenstein Tax Act by the EU Code of Conduct Group regarding tax transparency, fair business taxation, and the implementation of the minimum standards to prevent BEPS. Concerning Liechtenstein, the EU working group identified room for improvement in a few areas of ...

  • 15.06.2018 – 16:23

    ikr: OECD Global Forum meets in Liechtenstein

    Vaduz (ots) - From 11 - 15 June 2018 Liechtenstein hosted members of the OECD Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (Global Forum) for working meetings. The Global Forum is an international body with currently 150 members, including all OECD and G20 states. All the members of the Forum have undertaken to adhere to as well as to implement the global standards on transparency and exchange ...

  • 01.11.2017 – 16:00

    ikr: Talks between Liechtenstein and China on a Double Taxation Agreement

    Vaduz (ots) - From 30 October until 1 November 2017 talks were held in Beijing on a bilateral Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) between Liechtenstein and China. The delegations explained their respective domestic tax provisions and exchanged positions on the DTA article by article. It was agreed that both sides would update each other about relevant developments in the ...

  • 27.10.2016 – 17:06

    ikr: Withdrawal of South Africa from the Rome Statute

    Vaduz (ots) - The Government of Liechtenstein has taken note with deep regret of the decision of South Africa to withdraw from the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. South Africa was instrumental in the drafting of the Rome Statute and a symbol of human rights and justice on the African continent. Without its voice and contribution, the International Criminal Court could not have been established, and its ...

  • 03.10.2016 – 14:25

    ikr: Milestone for the competitiveness of Liechtenstein's financial centre

    Vaduz (ots) - On 30 September 2016, the EEA Joint Committee, whose decisions result in the inclusion of new EU law in the EEA Agreement, decided to incorporate the first package of legal acts relating to the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs). "This is a milestone for the competitiveness of our financial centre, since equal access to the EU single market has now ...

  • 25.08.2016 – 10:18

    ikr: Improvements for the financial centre - Italy places Liechtenstein on its white list

    Vaduz (ots) - Italy has placed Liechtenstein on its domestic white list. The ministerial decree to this effect was adopted on 9 August 2016 and published on 22 August 2016. Pursuant to that decision, Italy deems Liechtenstein a cooperative state for tax purposes on the basis of the agreement with the EU on automatic exchange of information and exchange of information ...