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Abonner Lycos Europe N.V.

Lycos Europe N.V.

euro adhoc: Lycos Europe N.V.
Annual Reports
LYCOS Europe N.V. reaches positive net income in fiscal year 2006

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annual report
. Net profit increases by 108 % to EUR 1.7 million for 2006 compared
to net   loss of EUR (20.2) million in 2005 . EBITDA in full year
2006 improves by 55 percent to EUR (4.6) million
Haarlem / Netherlands, February 20, 2007 - LYCOS  Europe,  one  of
the  leading European portal providers  and  online  advertisers,
today  announced  that  it achieved its financial target to finish
the financial year 2006 with a  positive net income on a full year
basis. The net profit for the period amounted  to  EUR 1.7 million,
which is an improvement of 108 percent compared to the net loss of
2005 of EUR (20.2) million. The positive net income was mainly
realized  by  the disposal of the Swedish Portal business which
resulted in  a  positive  one-time gain of EUR 15.0 million. The
disposal  of  the  Swedish  Access  business  was closed in January
2007 and will be accounted for  in  the  first  quarter  2007. These
disposals were the result of a strategic  decision  to  achieve  a
better focus on the paid services and shopping and advertising  based
section  of  the Company. Both businesses were classified  as
discontinued  operations  and  for comparative purposes are excluded
from the  operating  result  of  the  Company.
Lycos Europe achieved to improve on revenues as well as on EBIT
compared to  the reporting period of  the  previous  year.  Total
revenues  in  2006  (EUR  82.4 million) increased by  4  percent
compared  to  2005  (EUR  79.2  million,  not restated EUR 125.5
million) and 2006 EBIT improved  by  30  percent  (2006:  EUR (13.1)
million vs. 2005: EUR  (18.7)  million,  2005  not  restated  EUR
(22.7) million). The 2006 EBITDA result improved by 55 percent  to
EUR  (4.6)  million vs. EUR (10.3) million in 2005 (not restated EUR
(12.3) million).
The paid services and shopping revenues contributed to  total
revenues  with  a share of 49 percent (EUR  40.4  million,  increase
of  23  percent  vs.  2005, followed by the advertising revenues with
a current share  of  43  percent (EUR 35.7 million, decrease of 7
percent vs. 2005). The remaining 8  percent  of  the revenues
consists mainly  of  interconnect  revenues  generated  by the German
Access business.
Cash, cash equivalents and  other  investments  decreased  by  11  percent  from
EUR 105.1 million on December 31,  2005  to  EUR 93.3 million  on  December  31,
2006. Cash used in operating activities (continued operations) amounted  to  EUR
0.5 Million, which is an improvement of 95 percent  compared  to  the reference
period of 2005.
The  results  of  2006  show  that  the  investments  of  LYCOS  Europe  into  a
centralized business unit structure with an  outstanding  development  team  are
paying off. With this launch platform in place  the  company  will  be  able to
introduce  several  new  state-of-the-art  products,  mainly  in  the  areas of
communication services and communities, in 2007. The focus of the  new  services
is thereby to increase both, the revenue stream from online advertising as  well
as from paid services and shopping. At the  same  time  the company will also
start offering services under the brand Jubii in the United States in  order to
reach better economies of scale.
Key Figures 2006 vs. 2005:
|In million Euro         |Year ended          |Year ended          |Change  |
|(except per share data, |December 31, 2006   |December 31, 2005   |        |
|change and gross margin)|                    |(restated)          |        |
|Total revenues          |82.4                |79.2                |4%      |
|Gross profit            |52.2                |49.8                |5%      |
|Gross margin            |63%                 |63%                 |0%      |
|Loss from operations*   |(13.1)              |(18.7)              |30%     |
|Net profit /(loss)*     |1.7                 |(20.2)              |108%    |
|Net profit /(loss) per  |0.01                |(0.06)              |108%    |
|share in Euro*          |                    |                    |        |
|EBITDA                  |(4.6)               |(10.3)              |55%     |
Three months ended December 31, 2006 and 2005:
|In million Euro         |Three months ended  |Three months ended  |Change  |
|(except per share data, |December 31, 2006   |December 31, 2005   |        |
|change and gross margin)|                    |(restated)          |        |
|Total revenues          |23.4                |20.9                |12%     |
|Gross profit            |14.5                |14.1                |3%      |
|Gross margin            |62%                 |67%                 |(9)%    |
|Loss from operations*   |(5.2)               |(0.2)               |(3,051)%|
|Net loss*               |(5.2)               |(1.7)               |(206)%  |
|Net loss per share in   |(0.02)              |(0.01)              |(206)%  |
|Euro*                   |                    |                    |        |
|EBITDA                  |(1.2)               |1.7                 |170%    |
* Including an impairment loss related to the Fireball trademark of
EUR 2.4 million as a result of an assessment of the recoverable
amount made during the fourth quarter 2006.
About Lycos Europe Lycos Europe (ISIN NL0000233195) is one of the
leading European internet destinations operating a pan-European
network of websites in seven languages. The company's combination of
search, communication services, content channels, Internet access,
homepage building and online communities addresses a wide range of
target groups. The Lycos Europe Network provides an attractive medium
not only for consumers but also for advertisers and e-commerce
partners throughout Europe. Every month about 31 million users visit
the Lycos sites and by Lycos Europe distributed partner sites in
Europe. With a network of websites covering Austria, Denmark, France,
Germany, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and
Switzerland, Lycos Europe has a large geographical reach in Europe.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 20.02.2007 08:10:27

Further inquiry note:

LYCOS Europe
Analyst Relations
Sascha Wittler
T: +49-(0)5241-80-71134
F: +49-(0)5241-80-671134

Public Relations
Ina Kruse
T: +49(0)5241-80-71050
F: +49-(0)5241-80-671050

Branche: Software
ISIN: NL0000233195
WKN: 932728
Index: Prime All Share, Technologie All Share
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / regulated dealing/prime
Börse Berlin-Bremen / free trade
Hamburger Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Niedersächsische Börse zu Hannover / free trade
Euronext - Paris / free trade
Bayerische Börse / free trade

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Plus de actualités: Lycos Europe N.V.