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Abonner Lycos Europe N.V.

Lycos Europe N.V.

euro adhoc: Lycos Europe N.V.
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet
LYCOS Europe closes first nine months of 2006 with net profit of EUR 6.9 million

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
  for the content of this announcement.
. Net profit improves by 137 percent vs. EUR (18.5) in first nine
months   2005 / Total revenues in first nine months 2006 amount to
EUR 59.0 million   (+ 1 percent vs. last year) / EBITDA improves by
71 percent to EUR (3.4)   million vs. EUR (12.0) million in reporting
period 2005 / Gross margin   reaches 64 percent . Third quarter 2006
with net profit of EUR 9.1 million, total revenues of   EUR 17.4
million and EBITDA of EUR (3.4) million . Third quarter strongly
influenced both by successful sale of Swedish entity    and
acquisition activities
Haarlem / Netherlands, October 24, 2006 - LYCOS Europe  N.V.,  one
of  Europe's leading internet portals and online advertisers,  today
announced  its  results for the third quarter and first nine months
of 2006.  LYCOS  Europe  reported  a net profit of EUR 6.9 million
in  the  first  nine  months  2006  and  by  this outperformed last
year's figure by 137 percent  (EUR  (18.5)  million  in  first nine
months 2005).
The main driver for this result  was  the  successful  sale  of
LYCOS  Europe's Swedish portal business Spray with a positive
one-time  profit  impact  of  EUR 14.8 mln. Since the Swedish access
business of Spray is also planned to be  sold the financial
statements of the nine months report have been restated  according to
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and therefore
adjusted  by the Swedish businesses as discontinued operations.
Total revenues in the first nine months 2005 therefore amounted to
EUR 59.0  mln compared with EUR 58.3 mln in last year's reporting
period.  The  EBITDA  result improved by 71 percent to EUR (3.4) mln
(vs. EUR  (12.0)  mln  in  2005).  LYCOS Europe was able to increase
the gross margin to  64  percent  compared  with  62 percent in the
first nine months of 2005.
With a 49 percent share (EUR 28.7 mln) of total revenues, the revenue
stream  of paid services & shopping has been the strongest
contributor to  total  revenues, followed by advertising revenues
with a share of 44 percent (EUR 25.9  mln)  and Interconnect with 7
percent  (EUR  4.3  mln).  Revenues  from  paid  services  & shopping
as the strongest pillar grew by 18 percent compared  with  last
year's first nine months. Revenues from  online  advertising
decreased  by  7  percent compared with last year's reference period.
Interconnect  revenues  faced  a  19 percent reduction which is
mainly caused by an ongoing price drop in the  German access market.
In the third quarter of 2006, LYCOS Europe generated a net  profit
of  EUR  9.1 mln (vs. EUR (2.0) mln Q3/2005) which was mainly  due
to  the  above  mentioned successful sale of the Swedish portal
business. Total revenues amounted  to  EUR 17.4 mln, a decrease of 13
percent compared to last year's  third  quarter  (EUR 20.0 mln)
caused by a  disproportional  weak  summer  and  holiday  season.
The EBITDA result in Q3/2006 amounted to EUR (3.4) mln, compared with
EUR  0.4  mln in the reference period of 2005. Third quarter's  gross
margin  remained  at  a high level of 63 percent (vs. 66 percent in
LYCOS Europe expects the acquisition of online shopping specialist
mentasys  to be closed in the fourth quarter 2006. Especially in the
winter season  which  is the traditionally strongest period for
eCommerce the company expects  increasing revenues within paid
services  and  shopping  as  well  as  in  the  advertising business.
LYCOS Europe's cash, cash equivalents and deposits amounted to EUR 110.6 mln  on
September 30, 2006, compared to EUR 105.1 mln on December 31, 2005.
                                    - ends -
|In mln EUR (ex. per share    |Nine months ended|Nine months ended|Change      |
|data, change, gross margin)  |September 30,    |September 30,    |            |
|                             |2006             |2005             |            |
|                             |                 |restated         |            |
|Total revenues               |59.0             |58.3             |1%          |
|Gross profit                 |37.7             |36.4             |3%          |
|Gross margin                 |64%              |62%              |3%          |
|Loss from operations (EBIT)  |(7.9)            |(18.5)           |57%         |
|Net profit / (Net loss)      |6.9              |(18.5)           |137%        |
|Net profit / (Net loss) per  |0.02             |(0.06)           |137%        |
|share in Euro                |                 |                 |            |
|EBITDA                       |(3.4)            |(12.0)           |71%         |
|Cash, cash equivalents and   |110.6            |108.0            |2%          |
|deposits                     |                 |                 |            |
|In mln Euro (ex. per share   |Three months     |Three months     |Change      |
|data, change, gross margin)  |ended September  |ended September  |            |
|                             |30, 2006         |30, 2005         |            |
|                             |                 |restated         |            |
|Total revenues               |17.4             |20.0             |(13%)       |
|Gross profit                 |10.9             |13.3             |(18%)       |
|Gross margin                 |63%              |66%              |(5%)        |
|Loss from operations (EBIT)  |(4.9)            |(1.5)            |(219%)      |
|Net profit / (Net loss)      |9.1              |(2.0)            |547%        |
|Net profit / (Net loss) per  |0.03             |(0.01)           |547%        |
|share in Euro                |                 |                 |            |
|EBITDA                       |(3.4)            |0.4              |(924%)      |
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 24.10.2006 07:51:31

Further inquiry note:

Kay Oberbeck
Tel.: +49 (0)5241 8071055

Branche: Software
ISIN: NL0000233195
WKN: 932728
Index: Prime All Share, Technologie All Share
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / regulated dealing/prime
Börse Berlin-Bremen / free trade
Hamburger Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Niedersächsische Börse zu Hannover / free trade
Bayerische Börse / free trade

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Plus de actualités: Lycos Europe N.V.