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Eurofighter GmbH

Eurofighter Typhoon now on QRA Duty in Five Air Forces

24.07.2008 – 13:42

Hallbergmoos (ots)

The Spanish Air Force has announced the
assignment of Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) responsibilities to 
Eurofighter Typhoon. All five customer Air Forces now operate the 
weapon system in the air defence role, with Spain following the leads
of Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and Austria in deploying their 
newest weapon system to the first line of defence.
As of 17 July 2008, Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft are working in 
complement with Mirage F-1s and F-18s in securing Spanish airspace, 
fulfilling the role out of Morón AFB.
Commenting on the announcement, Aloysius Rauen, Eurofighter CEO, 
stated: "In a little over six weeks, three customer Air Forces have 
declared Eurofighter Typhoon operational for QRA tasks. Five Air 
Forces now deliver an unmatched air defence capability, bolstering 
national, European and NATO security efforts."
Italy, in December 2005, was the first nation to assign QRA tasks 
to Eurofighter Typhoon. The United Kingdom followed suit in July 2007
while Germany and Austria began QRA and air surveillance operations 
with the type in June and July 2008 respectively. Also in July, the 
Royal Air Force officially declared their XI Squadron Eurofighter 
Typhoons as multi-role capable on completion of their deployment to 
the United States for Exercise Green Flag West.
The Air Forces have accumulated over 42,000 in-service flying 
hours with Eurofighter Typhoon which, when added to the Test Fleet's 
contribution of almost 6,000 hours, accounts for almost 50,000 flying
Eurofighter Typhoon is the world's most advanced new generation 
multi-role/swing-role combat aircraft available on the market and has
been ordered by six nations (Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, 
Austria and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). With 707 aircraft under 
contract, it is Europe's largest military collaborative programme and
delivers leading-edge technology, strengthening Europe's aerospace 
industry in the global competition. More than 100,000 jobs in 400 
companies are secured by the programme. Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH
manages the programme on behalf of the Eurofighter Partner Companies 
Alenia Finmeccanica, BAE Systems, EADS CASA and EADS Deutschland, 
Europe's foremost aerospace companies with a total turnover of 
EUR60.7 billion (2006).
High Resolution images of the Eurofighter Typhoon can be 
downloaded from our web site. Hard Copy images are available on 


Wolfdietrich Hoeveler
Vice President Communication
Eurofighter GmbH
+49 811 801 555 (Office)
+49 172 832 9751(Mobile)

Phillip Lee
External Communications
Eurofighter GmbH
+49 811 801 587

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