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Abonner Austrian Airlines

Austrian Airlines

euro adhoc: Austrian Airlines AG
Publication subject to § 82, Section 9, in connection with § 82, Section 10 of the Stock Exchange Act and Publication Regulation 2002

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
  for the content of this announcement.
Austrian Airlines AG
At the 52nd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Austrian 
Airlines AG on  4 May 2007, the General Meeting of Shareholders 
adopted a  resolution  authorising the Board of Management, for a 
period of 18 months from  the  authorisation,  to acquire own shares 
in the company up to the highest  legally  admissible  extent of 10% 
of the issued share capital including those own shares already  
acquired. The lowest equivalent value to be paid  in  the  
acquisition  is  EUR  5.00  per share, and the highest equivalent 
value to be paid in  the  acquisition  is  EUR 20.00 per share.
The Board of Management  of  Austrian  Airlines  AG  has  now  
decided  to  take advantage of this authorisation to acquire its  own
shares.  It  envisages  the programme for the acquisition as follows:
1. The day on which the General Meeting of Shareholders adopted the resolution
    authorising the acquisition, subject to § 65, Section 1,  Point  8  of  the
    Austrian Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz), was 4 May 2007.
2. The day on  which  the  General  Meeting  of  Shareholders  published  this
    resolution in the Amtsblatt zur Wiener Zeitung, subject to § 65, Section 1a
    of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz), was 8 May 2007.
3. The acquisition programme begins on 27 November 2007, and  is  expected  to
    end on 29 February 2008.
4. The acquisition programme relates to ordinary  bearer  shares  of  Austrian
    Airlines AG with no nominal value.
5. Intended volume: up to 2,570,400 own shares, which is equivalent of  up  to
    3% of the  current  issued  share  capital.  The  company  currently  holds
    1,700,000 already acquired own shares, so that the company would hold 4.98%
    of the current issued share capital, if the total intended volume would  be
6. According to the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders on 4 May
    2007 the lowest equivalent value to be paid in the acquisition is EUR 5.00,
    and the highest equivalent value to be  paid  in  the  acquisition  is  EUR
7. a) Type of acquisition: the acquisition is to  take  place  via  the  Stock
b) Purpose: the shares acquired can be used for  all  purposes,  which  are
    covered and  authorised  by  the  resolution  of  the  General  Meeting  of
    Shareholders on 4 May 2007. The company particularly reserves the right  to
    possibly use the acquired shares for an employee  participation  programme,
    or possibly for the Stock Option Programme 2007 or to dispose the shares if
    necessary via the stock exchange or by means of a public offer. Trading  in
    own shares must not be the purpose of the acquisition.
8. Possible effects of the acquisition programme on the stock exchange listing
    of the shares of the issuer: none.
9. The number and distribution of share options granted to employees, managers
    and members of the Board within the framework of Stock Options Plans (SOP),
    indicating the respective obtainable number of shares,  whereby  one  share
    option is equivalent to one share:
SOP 2002
Alfred Ötsch                                        -
    Vagn Soerensen                                      170,940
    Josef Burger                                        119,664
    Thomas Kleibl                                       119,664
    Walter Bock                                         119,664
Total Board of Management                           529,932
    Total Management (incl. subsidiaries)               917,828
    Total options granted                             1,447,760
SOP 2007
Alfred Ötsch                                        150,000
    Thomas Kleibl                                       150,000
Total Board of Management                           300,000
    Total Management (incl. subsidiaries)               871,000
    Total options granted                             1,171,000
Austrian Airlines AG intends to fulfil its duties of publication 
subject  to  §§ 6  and  7  of  the  Publication  Regulation  through 
the  publication  of   the information via the publicly accessible 
internet website  of  Austrian  Airlines AG (
Die Angaben  zur  Offenlegung  gemäß  §§  24  und  25  Mediengesetz  
sind  unter auffindbar / Please find  further  
information  concerning  the disclosure according to §§ 24 and 25 
Media Act on
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 21.11.2007 19:33:45

Further inquiry note:

Livia Dandrea-Böhm
Tel.: 051766-11231

Investor Relations
Dr. Prisca Havranek-Kosicek
Tel.: 051766 - 13311

Branche: Air Transport
ISIN: AT0000620158
WKN: 875224
Index: WBI, ATX Prime, ATX
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market

Plus de actualités: Austrian Airlines
Plus de actualités: Austrian Airlines