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Kapsch TrafficCom

euro adhoc: Kapsch TrafficCom AG
quarterly or semiannual financial statement / Kapsch TrafficCom AG: first quarter of fiscal year 2007/08 Not for publication in the United States of America, Canada, Australia and Japan

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quaterly report
Vienna, 27 August 2007 - Kapsch  TrafficCom  AG  (ISIN  AT000KAPSCH9)
showed  a significant improvement in respect of both revenues and 
earnings  in  the  first quarter of the fiscal year 2007/08 which 
ended on 30 June 2007.
Significant increase in both revenues and earnings The start of 
operations of phase I of the nationwide  truck  tolling  system  in 
the Czech Republic on 1 January 2007  and  a  high  level  of  
components  sales resulted in a significant  increase  of  total  
revenues,  which  were  EUR 33.8 million in the first three  months  
of  the  current  fiscal  year  compared  to EUR 27.3 million in the 
same period last year, which  is  an  increase  by  24%. Thereof, the
RSP  segment  (Road  Solution  Projects)  contributed  revenues  of 
EUR 7.3 million, or 21.6% (Q1 2006/07: EUR 7.6 million).  As  a  
result  of  the start of commercial operations and  the  components  
sales  of  phase I  of  the nationwide truck tolling system  in  the 
Czech  Republic  in  combination  with follow-up business in Chile 
Kapsch TrafficCom's SEC  segment  (Services,  System Extensions and 
Components Sales) revenues  increased  by  more  than  47%,  from EUR
15.9 million to EUR 23.4  million  (equal  to  a  contribution  of  
the  SEC segment of 69.2% to total revenue). With EUR 3.2 million  
(Q1  2006/07:  EUR 3.9 million) the third segment, OTH, (Others) 
accounted for 9.5% of total revenue.
Kapsch TrafficCom's first quarter adjusted  EBITDA  (earnings  before
interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation) increased  from  EUR 
4.0  million  in  the first quarter of the fiscal year 2006/2007  to 
EUR 5.3  million  (or  by  34%). Adjusted EBIT (earnings before 
interest and taxes) increased by 46%  to  EUR 4.4 million (compared 
to EUR 3.0 million in Q1 2006/07).
The adjusted EBIT for the RSP segment was EUR 0.1 million. The EBIT  
decline  in this segment is largely attributable to preparatory work 
for  the  participation in tenders for upcoming large-scale projects 
in Central and Eastern Europe.  The additional  transaction  volume  
of  the  operations,  service  and   components business resulted in 
an increase of the SEC segment's EBIT by 77.3%  to  EUR 3.9 million. 
The OTH segment improved its EBIT by EUR 0.2 million due  to  a  
break- even result.
Kapsch TrafficCom's profit before tax increased from EUR 3.1 million 
to  EUR 4.0 million. Profit after tax increased from EUR 2.2 million 
to EUR 2.9 million  and the profit for the period went up from EUR 
1.8 million to EUR 2.9 million.
Financial condition As a result of its successful IPO, Kapsch 
TrafficCom AG's balance  sheet  as  at 30 June 2007 has undergone 
material changes. The IPO resulted in  a  significant improvement in 
the liquidity position (cash and  cash  equivalents  of  EUR 69.9 
million greatly exceed the financial  liabilities  of  EUR 28.2  
million,  which were reduced in the first three  months  of  the  
fiscal  year  2007/2008).  The Group's liquid assets have increased 
by EUR 49.5 million due to  the  successful public offering,  despite
a  reduction  of  financial  liabilities  by  EUR 4.5 million and of 
current liabilities by EUR 8.4 million.
Equity increased to EUR 106.7 million, equal to an  equity  ratio  of
39%.  The Group's total assets amount of the balance sheet rose to 
EUR 275.8 million.
Outlook Assuming positive macroeconomic developments and based on the
growing  interest worldwide in toll systems solutions and traffic 
telematics,  the  management  of Kapsch TrafficCom view its future 
prospects optimistically.
The quarterly report for the first quarter of the fiscal  year  
2007/08  can  be downloaded at at the Investor 
Relations Side.
Kapsch TrafficCom is  an  international  supplier  of  innovative  
road  traffic telematics systems,  products  and  services.  Its  
principle  business  is  the development  and  supply  of  electronic
toll  collection  (ETC)  systems,   in particular MLFF  (multi-lane  
free-flow)  ETC systems,  and  the  technical  and commercial 
operation of such systems. Kapsch TrafficCom  also  supplies  traffic
management systems, with a  focus  on  road  safety  and  traffic  
control,  and electronic access systems and parking management. With 
more than  100  installed toll  systems  in  26  countries  in  
Europe,  Australia,  Latin  America,   the Asian/Pacific region and 
South Africa, and more than nine  million  transponders
and 11,000 equipped lanes Kapsch TrafficCom  has  positioned  itself  among  the
market leaders in ETC systems worldwide. Kapsch TrafficCom is  headquartered  in
Vienna,  Austria,  and  has  subsidiaries  and  representative  offices  in   18
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end of announcement                               euro adhoc 27.08.2007 07:30:00

Further inquiry note:

Marcus Handl
Investor Relations
Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Wagenseilgasse 1,1120 Wien, Austria
phone: +43 (0) 50 811 1122
mail: ir.kapschtraffic @

Branche: Technology
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market

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Plus de actualités: Kapsch TrafficCom