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Abonner Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG

Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG

euro adhoc: Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet
Warimpex boosts revenues by 23% in the first three quarters of 2008

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
  for the content of this announcement.
9-month report
Warimpex boosts revenues by 23% in the first three quarters of 2008
. Total revenues up by 23% to EUR 70.9 million
    . EBITDA grow by 20% to EUR 28.4 million, EBIT by 15% to EUR 19.1 million
    . angelo Plzen opens and angelo Bucharest re-opens
|Key figures in millions of euros               |1-9/2008 |1-9/2007  |Change |
|                                               |         |          |       |
|Total revenues                                 |70.9     |57.7      |+23%   |
|Gains from the sale of project companies       |9.6      |2.4       |+305%  |
|EBITDA                                         |28.4     |23.7      |+20%   |
|EBIT                                           |19.1     |16.6      |+15%   |
|Profit for the period                          |2.0      |11.5      |-82%   |
|Earnings per share in EUR*                     |0.06     |0.32      |-81%   |
|                                               |         |          |       |
|Number of hotels                               |17       |14        |+3     |
|Number of rooms (adjusted for proportional     |2,631    |2,117     |+514   |
|share of ownership)                            |         |          |       |
|Number of office and commercial properties     |7        |7         |-      |
|Number of development projects                 |14       |9         |+5     |
|                                               |         |          |       |
|                                               |6/30/2008|12/31/2007|       |
|Gross asset value (GAV)                        |636.4    |614.8     |+4%    |
|Triple net asset value (NNNAV)                 |341.4    |387.4     |-12%   |
|NNNAV per share in EUR                         |9.5      |10.8      |-12%   |
*) Based on average number of shares in the period
Total revenues in the first nine months of this year grew from EUR 
57.7  million to EUR 70.9 million compared to the same period of 
2007,  an  increase  of  23%. EBITDA and EBIT also improved; the EUR 
2.5 million increase in  EBIT  can  above all be attributed  to  
increased  proceeds  from  the  sale  of  properties  and property 
development projects.
While gains from the sale of project companies totalled EUR 2.4 
million  in  the first three quarters of 2007, such proceeds 
increased to EUR 9.6 million in  the same period of 2008. This is due
to the sale of a 10% stake in the Airport  City development project 
in St. Petersburg. Because of the poorer  financial  result, however,
the profit for the period  fell  from  EUR  11.5  million  to  EUR  
2.0 million in year-on-year comparison.
Real estate assets As of the end of September  2008,  the  Warimpex  
Group  real  estate  portfolio comprised twenty-four properties in 
total, seventeen of which  were  hotels  and seven office buildings. 
The company also holds a  large  number  of  undeveloped plots and 
development  projects  in  eight  countries  in  Central  and  
Eastern Europe. The primary regional focus is on Hungary, the  Czech 
Republic,  Poland, Romania and Russia.
Compared to the end  of  2007,  estimated  property  values  were  
down  due  to considerably increased yields in CEE and higher 
construction  costs.  This  also depressed the NNNAV. As of 30 June 
2008,  the  NNNAV  per  share  was  EUR  9.5, roughly 12% lower than 
at the end of 2007, but  still  well  above  the  current share 
Outlook Warimpex is currently developing thirteen projects; the 
expansion of the  angelo airport hotel in Bucharest was concluded in 
September and the  angelo  in  Plzen opened at the beginning of 
October. Two  andel's  hotels  are  set  to  open  in Berlin and Lodz
and one angelo hotel in Ekaterinburg by the  second  quarter  of 
2009. The development of budget hotels  under  the  joint  venture  
with  Louvre Hotels is proceeding according to schedule.
Warimpex Group will be focusing  on  completing  its  development  
projects  and thereby bolstering its market  position  on  its  home 
markets  in  the  coming months. Management will also be employing 
active asset  management  to  maintain the current good yields from 
the group's existing high-quality properties.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG
Phone: +43 1 310 55 00
Christoph Salzer
Daniel Folian,

Branche: Real Estate
ISIN: AT0000827209
Index: ATX Prime
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market

Plus de actualités: Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG
Plus de actualités: Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG