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A-TEC Industries AG

euro adhoc: A-TEC Industries AG
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet
A-TEC Industries: Final results for the divisions and preliminary results for the group of the financial year 2007

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annual report/Report 2007
Highlights: - Results for the four operating divisions are final; 
consolidated results for the 2007 financial year are still 
provisional. - New announcement date for the consolidated results and
publication date for the annual report is the end of May at the 
latest. - Revenue for 2007 was up by 48.1% to EUR 2,361.0 million 
(m). - EBITDA rose by 35.1 % to EUR 169,2m - EBIT rose by 4.6% from 
EUR 92.0m to EUR 96.2m; the EBIT margin edged down to 4.1% (2006: 
5.8%). - EUR 29.0m in impairments of goodwill and intangible assets 
recognised in the Drive Technology Division. This has no impact on 
operational performance or the liquidity of the Company. - Profit 
before tax was EUR 51.7m (2006: EUR 78.6m) - Net debt was up by EUR 
493.8m to EUR 559.8m as at year end 2007 - Due to the decline in the 
equity ratio the Management Board does not anticipate payment of a 
dividend. The final decision on this will be taken by the Annual 
General Meeting. - Numerous large international contract wins by the 
Plant Construction Division led to record order backlog of EUR 2,320m
as at year end (2006: EUR 1,578m). - The takeovers of Gindre 
Duchovany, Dörries Scharmann Technologie, Laurence Scott & 
Electromotors, Deltak and Lentjes extended our successful acquisition
strategy. - Management is forecasting revenue of about EUR 3bn and an
EBIT margin of at least 5% for 2008
Key figures            4Q    4Q   change       FY       FY  change
A-TEC Industries       07    06        %     2007     2006       %
(Mio. EUR)
Revenue             768.0 505.8     51.8  2,361.0  1,594.4    48.1
EBITDA               63.5  17.1    271.3    170.8    108.1    35.1
EBIT                 20.7   7.0    195.7     96.2     92.0     4.6
EBIT margin          2.7%  1.4%              4.1%     5.8%
EBT                   2.5   3.8    -34.2     51.7     78.6   -34.2
Order intake        346.4 462.4    -25.1  1,934.7 1,775.0      9.0
Order backlog (as of end of December)     2,320.1 1,577.5     47.1
Investment*          32.6  31.1      4.8     74.0    60.8     21.7
Employees (as of end of December)          13,708  10,720     27.9
*) Investments consist of additions to intangible assets, property, 
plant and equipment
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Investor relations contact:
Gerald Wechselauer
Phone: +43 1 22760 - 130

Press contact:
Claudia Müller-Stralz
A-TEC Industries AG Press Office
Pleon Publico, Neulinggasse 37, A-1030 Vienna, Austria
Tel. +43 (0)1 71786 direct dial 107

Branche: Holding companies
Index: ATX Prime
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / Regulated free trade

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Plus de actualités: A-TEC Industries AG