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Abonner CA Immo International AG

CA Immo International AG

EANS-Adhoc: CA Immo International AG
Bernhard H. Hansen joins Management Board

  ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
  distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
Vienna, 24 September 2009. Bernhard H. Hansen, currently the Chief 
Executive Officer of CA Immo's German subsidiary Vivico Real Estate 
GmbH, has been appointed as Chief Technical Officer (CTO) at CA 
Immobilien Anlagen AG and CA Immo International AG as of October 1, 
2009. As he joins Dr. Bruno Ettenauer (CEO) and Wolfhard Fromwald 
(CFO) on the Management Board and takes responsibility for all 
development activities within the Group. Mr. Hansen will continue to 
act as chairman for Vivico Real Estate GmbH. His period of office has
been agreed to the end of September 2012; the contracts of the Board 
members Bruno Ettenauer and Wolfhard Fromwald have also been extended
to this date.

Further inquiry note:

CA Immo International AG
Mag. Florian Nowotny (Investor Relations)
Mag. Claudia Hainz (Investor Relations)
Tel.: +43 (0)1 532 59 07-593
Fax: +43 (0)1 532 59 07-595

Branche: Real Estate
Index: WBI, ATX Prime
Börsen: Wien / official market

Plus de actualités: CA Immo International AG
Plus de actualités: CA Immo International AG