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Zumtobel AG

euro adhoc: Zumtobel AG
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet
Balance-sheet profit, Zumtobel AG 2005/06

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc.
  The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
Dornbirn, Austria - The Zumtobel Group based in Dornbirn, Austria,
closed its books on financial 2005/06 at the end of April with
adjusted revenue growth of 6%. Thus, for the first time since 2000,
the past financial year brought a clear increase in revenues and a
further improvement in profit.
Revenues rose EUR 55.0 million to EUR 1,184.2 million (PY: EUR
1,129.2 million), which equates to an increase of 4.9%. When
prior-year revenues are adjusted for sales reported by the Group’s
former Toolmaking division, sold-off by way of an MBO in financial
2004/05, growth amounts to 6%.
Adjusted for restructuring costs and non-recurring items, EBIT
(earnings before interest and taxes) moved ahead by EUR 9.4 million
(+10.4% year-on-year) to EUR 99.5 million. Without that adjustment,
EBIT totalled EUR 86.1 million, which equates to an increase of EUR
2.5 million (+3.0%). Net profit increased in financial 2005/06 by EUR
14.5 million or 49.7% to EUR 43.6 million, against EUR 29.1 million
in 2004/05.
For financial 2006/07, management is anticipating a further increase
in revenues on account of a healthier market environment and
continuation of the growth initiatives at the company. The
unremit-ting pursuit of the efficiency drive, the absence of
restructuring costs in the new financial year and lower financing
costs on account of the improved capital structure generated by the
IPO should - pro-viding the market situation remains positive - lead
to a further tangible improvement in profit.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 05.07.2006 07:30:00

Further inquiry note:

Investor Relations:
Christian Hogenmüller
Investor Relations
Zumtobel AG
Höchster Str. 8
A-6850 Dornbirn
Tel.: +43-5572-509 506

Media Contact:
Astrid Kühn-Ulrich
Corporate Communications
Zumtobel AG
Höchster Str. 8
A-6850 Dornbirn
Tel.: +43-5572-509 1570

Branche: Semiconductors & active components
ISIN: AT000837307
Index: ATX Prime, WBI
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market

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