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Intercell AG

EANS-News: Intercell AG
Report pursuant to Section 159 Para 3 and Para 2 lit 3 and Section 95 Para 6 of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act

Vienna (euro adhoc) -

Stock Option Program
  Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
  responsible for the content of this announcement.
Company Information
Subtitle: Stock Option Program
Pursuant to Section 4.11 of the Articles of
Association in accordance with Section 159 Para 3 of the Stock 
Corporation Act the Management Board is authorized to increase the 
share capital until June 13, 2013 by up to a nominal amount of EUR 
1,700,000.00 in one or several tranches to allocate stock options to 
employees, executive employees and members of the Management Board of
the Company or its subsidiaries subject to the approval of the 
Supervisory Board (authorised conditional capital 2008).
On December 11, 2009, the Management Board has, in accordance with 
the aforementioned authorisation, passed the resolution to 
conditionally increase the share capital of the Company by EUR 
845,000 through the issuance of up to 845,000 new ordinary no-par 
value bearer shares with a nominal value of EUR 1.00 per share. The 
share capital shall be increased only to the extent that the 
beneficiary option holders to whom stock options were allocated 
actually exercise their subscription rights. The resolution of the 
Management Board has to be authorized by a resolution of the 
Supervisory Board. At least two weeks before the resolution of the 
Supervisory Board is passed, a report pursuant to Section 159 Para 3 
and Para 2 lit 3 of the Stock Corporation Act has to be published 
according to Section 82 Para 9 - 10 of the Austrian Stock Exchange 
Act. This report is herewith submitted:
Principles and incentives underlying the options
Trough the issuance of stock options, the motivation of the 
beneficiary option holders to contribute to the value creation of the
Company shall be increased.
Existing options and granting of options
Until now, the following numbers of stock options have been granted 
(excluding options that have been cancelled):
Beneficiaries                                 Numbers of
Members of the Supervisory Board
  Michel Gréco(Chairman)                          41,250
  Ernst Afting                                    41,250
  James R. Sulat                                  37,500
  David Ebsworth                                  35,000
  Hans Wigzell                                    35,000
  Mustapha Bakali                                 40,000
Members of the Management Board
  Gerd Zettlmeissl (Chairman)                    375,000
  Thomas Lingelbach                              260,000
  Reinhard Kandera                               122,000
Executive employees                              786,200
Other employees                                  194,125
Employees of subsidiaries                        621,453
Total                                          2,588,778
Now, an additional number of 845,000 options shall be granted, thereof 85,400 to
employees, 196,000 to executive employees, 308,600 to employees of subsidiaries,
100,000 to the member of the Management Board Gerd Zettlmeissl, 90.000 to the
member of the Management Board Thomas Lingelbach and 65.000 to the member of the
Management Board Reinhard Kandera. As underlying shares to serve the exercise of
these options new shares from the above mentioned conditional capital shall be
used and partly also own shares of treasury stock may be used, therefore the
report is also submitted according to Section 95 Para 6 Stock Corporation Act by
the Management Board and by the Supervisory Board.
The number of stock options offered to each employee and executive 
employee are subject to a resolution of the Management Board 
according to the principles stated in the ESOP 2008. The allocation 
of stock options to the members of the Management Board is subject of
a resolution of the Supervisory Board.
Principle conditions of the stock option agreements
(i) Each beneficiary is entitled, subject to the detailed provisions 
of a stock options agreement, which includes the provisions of the 
ESOP 2008, and subject to the payment of the strike price to convert 
one option into one share. The strike price, i.e. the price which the
beneficiaries have to pay to the Company in order to exercise their 
options, shall be EUR 26.99 (the last closing price of the Intercell 
share prior to prior to the publication of this report). If the last 
closing share price prior to the date of the resolution of the 
Supervisory Board is higher, such higher price shall be the strike 
(ii) The exercise of the options is subject to the achievement of an 
exercise hurdle. The exercise hurdle is achieved if the closing price
of the Intercell share on the day prior to the start of an execution 
window is at least 15 percent above the strike price.
(iii) The term of the options is limited with the expiry of the 
execution window in the fifth year following the calendar year in 
which the options were granted. 25% of the options granted to the 
beneficiaries become exercisable in each of the second, the third, 
the fourth and the fifth year following the year in which the options
were granted. For options that are granted as special incentive, in 
particular in connection with the engagement of new executive members
the first exercise can be determined deviant. In case of a change of 
control through taking over of more than 50% of the proportion of the
voting rights of the Company all outstanding options are exercisable 
with the effectiveness of the take over. In any other case the 
options are only exercisable during an execution window.
(iv) The execution windows are periods of up to four weeks each, 
determined by the management board of the Company. An annual 
execution window starts the day after every annual ordinary 
shareholder´s meeting during the term of the options, in which the 
options may be exercised. The management board may determine an 
additional execution window per year. The time when an option becomes
first exercise will not be affected by this.
(v) The options are not transferable except for a transfer by death.
(vi) No lock-up period exists with respect to the shares received 
from exercising the options.
(vii) The ESOP 2008 is available at the Company´s head offices and 
may be inspected by every shareholder. Upon request, every 
shareholder shall receive a copy of the ESOP 2008 in a timely manner 
and free of charge.
Vienna, December 15, 2009
Management Board
Supervisory Board
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Intercell AG
Lucia Malfent
Head of Corporate Communications
Tel. +43 1 20620-1303

Branche: Biotechnology
ISIN: AT0000612601
Index: ATX Prime, ATX
Börsen: Wien / official market

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