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Intercell AG

euro adhoc: Intercell AG
Intercell completes Phase I clinical trial for an improved seasonal Influenza vaccine formulated with IC31®

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Research & Development
» Intercell's adjuvant IC31® demonstrates very good safety and
  tolerability profile in first Phase I trial in Flu
» Seroconversion and seroprotection rates support further clinical
» Intercell´s strategic Flu partner Novartis to include IC31®
  in further clinical trials
Vienna (Austria), February 27, 2008 - Intercell AG (VSE: ICLL) today 
announced the completion of Phase I clinical trials of the company's 
adjuvant IC31® in combination with the seasonal, trivalent influenza 
vaccine Agrippal® from Novartis.
In this randomized, controlled Phase I trial, 72 individuals received
one shot of either Agrippal®, or Agrippal® combined with one of two 
different concentrations of IC31®. All study subjects were healthy, 
adult volunteers, with an average age of approximately 31 years. The 
majority of participants had pre-existing immune responses against 
influenza strains prior to the trial. Subjects were followed for 
general safety and local tolerability. Vaccine specific immune 
responses were analyzed 10 and 21 days after the vaccination. The 
study was conducted at Vienna Medical University, Department of 
Clinical Pharmacology.
The IC31® adjuvanted vaccine showed - even in the highest IC31® dose 
group - an excellent safety and tolerability profile, which was 
comparable to the non-adjuvanted standard vaccine.Furthermore in all 
study groups vaccination with the test vaccine led to the induction 
of virus specific T-cells and protective levels of antibody responses
against the three included influenza strains.
"We are excited about the excellent safety and tolerability profile 
of our IC31® in combination with seasonal influenza antigens in 
humans", states Gerd Zettlmeissl, Chief Executive Officer of 
Intercell. "This result in combination with the outstanding 
immunogenicity data in immuno-compromised animals has paved the way 
towards the development of improved Flu vaccines."
IC31® has potential as adjuvant for improved influenza vaccines. 
Novartis will include IC31® in its further clinical development 
More influenza vaccines are needed with superior immune-response and 
excellent cross-protection against drifted influenza viruses in the 
elderly, the age group with the greatest number of death from the 
annual influenza outbreaks.
As part of the agreement between Novartis and Intercell, signed in 
July 2007, Novartis has an exclusive license for development of 
Intercell´s IC31® adjuvant in novel influenza vaccines with 
milestones for Intercell of up to approximately EUR 100 m during the 
development period and double-digit royalty rates tied to sales 
About IC31®
Vaccines, based on antigens alone, are not sufficient to provide full
protection. Adjuvants are needed to educate the immune system to 
recognize and eliminate the pathogens efficiently. IC31® is an 
adjuvant that induces T-cell and B-cell responses by using a unique 
synthetic formulation which combines the immunostimulating properties
of an anti-microbial peptide, KLK, and an immunostimulatory 
oligodeoxynucleotide, ODN1a. The two component solution can be simply
mixed with antigens; no conjugation is required. Intercell currently 
uses IC31® in collaborations with a number of global vaccine 
companies and biotech companies. These collaborations include amongst
others the development of a tuberculosis vaccine in Phase I clinical 
trials, which has been partnered with the Danish Statens Serum 
Institut and Sanofi Pasteur.
About Influenza
The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza 
viruses. The infection usually lasts for about a week. It is 
characterized by sudden onset of high fever, myalgia, headache and 
severe malaise, non-productive cough, sore throat, and rhinitis. From
1918 to 1919, the "Spanish Flu" killed more people in the world-wide 
pandemic than did the First World War. Influenza viruses cause 
disease among all age groups. Rates of infection are highest among 
children, but rates of serious illness and death are highest among 
persons aged >65 years and children aged <2 years. Influenza rapidly 
spreads around the world in seasonal epidemics and imposes a 
considerable economic burden in the form of hospital and other health
care costs and lost productivity.
In annual influenza epidemics 5-15% of the population are affected 
with upper respiratory tract infections. Hospitalization and deaths 
mainly occur in high-risk groups. Although difficult to assess, these
annual epidemics are thought to result in between three and five 
million cases of severe illness and between 250 000 and 500 000 
deaths every year around the world. Vaccination is the principal 
measure for preventing influenza and reducing the impact of 
epidemics. The currently available, mostly not adjuvanted vaccine 
products have a suboptimal efficacy profile, especially in the 
population groups with the highest disease burden (elderly and 
infants). Furthermore, these vaccines only offer limited 
cross-protection against other influenza strains, with no or low 
T-cell responses. Due to these limitations, novel vaccines with 
improved efficacy and T-cell immunity are needed.
About Novartis´ adjuvanted Influenza vaccine programs
Novartis currently is the only vaccine manufacturer offering an 
adjuvanted seasonal influenza vaccine, with more than 30 million 
doses administered over the past 10 years. FLUAD, when compared to 
currently available influenza vaccines, induced a higher level of 
immune response, superior clinical effectiveness and protection 
against a broader range of influenza strains in vulnerable 
populations, at higher risk of post-influenza complications.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

Lucia Malfent
Head of Corporate Communications
Campus Vienna Biocenter 2, A-1030 Vienna
P: +43-1-20620-303
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Branche: Biotechnology
ISIN: AT0000612601
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market

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