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Abonner HTI High Tech Industries AG

HTI High Tech Industries AG

EANS-News: HTI High Tech Industries AG
Volksbank Graz-Bruck increases investment in HTI through exercising conversion rights

  Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
  responsible for the content of this announcement.
Company Information

St. Marien bei Neuhofen (euro adhoc) - The technological group HTI High Tech
Industries AG ("HTI"), listed in the prime market of the Vienna Stock Exchange,
reports that Volksbank Graz-Bruck e.Gen. ("Volksbank Graz-Bruck") has informed
HTI to fully exercise the conversion rights of the hybrid convertible bond (ISIN
AT0000A0NV11) with a nominal amount of EUR 1,450,000.- held by it and which
entitles Volksbank Graz-Bruck to receive 1,450,000 shares (and associated
1,450,000 voting rights) of HTI. The hybrid convertible bond with a total
aggregate amount of EUR 9,500,000.- was issued in March 2011 in connection with
the restructuring of the HTI group's financing (see Ad hoc-information as of
April 1, 2011) and authorizes the holder of such hybrid convertible bond to
annually exercise the conversion rights during 4 periods until May 2020. Each of
these periods lasts 4 weeks and begins on the first day of publication of a
financial report (annual-, semi-annual or quarterly report) on the HTI's

Upon implementation of the conversion rights exercised by Volksbank Graz-Bruck,
the share capital of HTI will increase from 36,233,944 shares with a
proportionate amount of the share capital of EUR 1.0 per share and therewith
associated 36,233,944 voting rights by 1,450,000 shares with a proportionate
amount of the share capital of EUR 1.0 per share and therewith associated
1,450,000 voting rights to 37,683,944 shares with an proportionate amount of the
share capital of EUR 1.0 per share and therewith associated 37,683,944 voting
rights. Based on the knowledge of HTI Volksbank Graz-Bruck will hold 4% of the
share capital of HTI after the realization of the exercised conversion rights,
which is expected for October 2011.

Further inquiry note:
HTI High Tech Industries AG
DI Peter Glatzmeier
Vorsitzender des Vorstands
Tel:   +43 (0) 3862 304 - 8590
Fax:  +43 (0) 3862 304 - 7598 

HTI High Tech Industries AG
Mag. Nadja Goyer
Konzernkommunikation & Investor Relations
Tel:   +43 (0) 3862 304 - 8562
Fax:  +43 (0) 3862 304 - 7598

end of announcement                               euro adhoc 

company:     HTI High Tech Industries AG
             Gruber & Kaja Straße 1
             A-4502 St. Marien bei Neuhofen
phone:       +43(0)3862/304-8562
FAX:         +43(0)3862/304-7598
sector:      Holding companies
ISIN:        AT0000764626
indexes:     WBI, Prime Market
stockmarkets: official market: Wien 
language:   English

Plus de actualités: HTI High Tech Industries AG
Plus de actualités: HTI High Tech Industries AG