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Max Lehner AG

Exclusive cooperation between Mobility and Maxolen.

03.07.2017 – 16:30

Birmensdorf (ots)

Mobility (Mobility Genossenschaft, Switzerland) is partnering with Maxolen (Max Lehner AG, manufacturer of chemicals, Switzerland) in the professional vehicle preparation sector. Stefan Spaltenstein, project manager for the team car fleet at Mobility Genossenschaft further explained, that "we have decided to use products by Maxolen in the care of our entire fleet." At present, the car sharing company provides 2,950 vehicles throughout Switzerland. "More than anything, it was the cost effectiveness as well as the local production of Maxolen, that have won us over."

Besides the use of premium Swiss chemical products, the cooperation will also provide the Mobility fleet team with specialist training courses in theoretical product knowledge and practical use. Dersim Stein, entrepreneur and member of the board of directors of the Max Lehner AG comments: "We are proud that a market leading, sustainability focussed company such as Mobility chose to work with Maxolen. We are delighted to tackle professional and sustainable vehicle preparation together."

The Max Lehner Group, founded in 1960, is a Swiss chemicals manufacturer of exclusive premium products for professional surface finishing, cleaning, maintenance, conservation and protection.

The products are made of highly purified ingredients, which are produced exclusively in Switzerland, and are mainly used by companies in the automotive, boatyard, rail and air transport industries, as well as the pharmaceuticals and food industries.

The company exports their products globally and has branches in Europe, Asia and the USA.


Max Lehner AG,
Stallikonerstrasse 71
8903 Birmensdorf-Zürich
T: +41 44 737 30 75
F: +41 44 737 03 20

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