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Liechtensteinisches Landesmuseum

5000 years of food culture in China
China's food culture has a prolonged history and a marvelous wealth of content.

09.06.2022 – 09:39

Vaduz (ots)

The accumulation of millennia of Chinese food culture represents an outstanding contribution to the treasure trove of global food cultures. China has a proverb which says "People view food as their primary need". Food holds no ordinary significance for Chinese people, functioning not only to satisfy basic needs for livelihood, but also as an important means of bridging human relations and enhancing intimate connections. It has also become inspirations for artistic creations such as music, dance, painting, sculpture and poetry.

The exhibition lasts from Thursday, 9th June 2022 to Sunday, 21st August 2022.


Liechtenstein NationalMuseum
Prof. Dr. Rainer Vollkommer
Städtle 43, Postfach 1216
9490 Vaduz
Principality Liechtenstein
Telefon: +423 239 68 20

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