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Globegarden Gmbh

Globegarden dedicates "Try Everything" as an anthem to working parents
New recording of the global hit with Skyler Wind and musicians from the Lucerne Symphony Orchestra

Globegarden dedicates "Try Everything" as an anthem to working parents / New recording of the global hit with Skyler Wind and musicians from the Lucerne Symphony Orchestra
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On the initiative of globegarden, the Swiss-Canadian musician and singer Skyler Wind sings the song originally written by Shakira. It is intended to encourage working parents in Switzerland to master the often difficult balance between family and career. The song will be released in June. The project is part of the 15th anniversary celebrations of the leading childcare provider in Switzerland.

Reconciling work and family life is often not easy, as anyone who has children and works knows. Therefore, never give up! And that's exactly the theme of Shakira's global hit "Try Everything", first recorded in 2016 for the animated film Zootopia.

The daycare provider globegarden has now had this song reinterpreted by the Swiss-Canadian singer Skyler Wind, musicians from the Lucerne Symphony Orchestra and four children forming the choir. It is intended as a hymn to families and an appreciation to all working parents to never lose heart, to keep getting up and mastering the ups and downs of being a parent. The song was recorded in the orchestra hall of the Lucerne Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Andreas Hansson (ensemble) and Adeline Hasler (choir). Marco Crispo was responsible for the arrangement.

The making-of the song for the Globegarden anniversary video, which will be released in early June, is already available on the Globegarden website. In it, Skyler Wind and the four children of the choir talk about their motivation and experiences during rehearsals, but also about their dreams and hopes for the future.

Being able to work despite having children

The project is part of a series of initiatives that globegarden 2024 has launched to support and strengthen families to mark its 15th anniversary. These include the anniversary book "Be brave not perfect - Empowering Families", which was published in German and English in January and is dedicated to the compatibility of family and career and offers a diverse and inspiring perspective on the challenges faced by working mothers in Switzerland.

Women from the worlds of politics, science, culture and art are interviewed and portrayed. Whether prima ballerina, clinic director, politician, scientist, artist or manager - they are all mothers who share one thing: They want to have children and work.

The book also provides a comprehensive review of developments in Swiss childcare and social change, as well as the history of globegarden, whose foundation was inspired by Prof. Monika Bütler's HSG study "Working is not worth it, a second child even less".

Commitment to tolerance and inclusion

Also part of the anniversary activities is the booklet published in March

"The Special Family Ties - Empowering Kids and Families" for children. It presents today's diversity of family constellations in a child-friendly and empathetic way. The aim is to show children that diversity is a strength and that every family is special. Since its foundation, Globegarden has been committed not only to the education and care of children, but also to promoting tolerance, acceptance and inclusion in society.

Globegarden's activities are accompanied by the campaign "You can be anything, so can your child", which emphasizes and values the achievements of working parents and their children.

About globegarden

Globegarden is a leading provider of childcare in Switzerland and has been committed to promoting early childhood education and development as well as a better work-life balance for 15 years. The company has over 1000 employees and operates over 70 facilities in German-speaking Switzerland.



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