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IFBC Study: Only few banks create value in a sustainable way

Zurich (ots)

The IFBC study on value creation in the Swiss banking industry
highlights the importance of keeping shareholders well informed
Good corporate governance and a high level of
transparency are conducive to the sustainable increase of a company's
value. This also applies in the case of Swiss banks, as demonstrated
in "Wertschaffung in der Schweizer Bankenbranche" (Value Creation in
Swiss Banking Industry), a study conducted by the Zurich-based
corporate consultants IFBC. Over 40 Swiss financial institutions
belonging to the four categories of major banks, cantonal banks,
regional banks and private banks were analyzed in this study. The
findings show that only few banks actually created added value for
their owners in the period under review. The study also revealed
clear differences between listed and non-listed cantonal banks with
regard to value creation.
It was the major banks who added the most value, above all UBS.
Compared with the other banking categories, the private banks
evidenced a high performance level, but have not returned to the
level achieved in 1999. At the bottom end are the cantonal and
regional banks, which display a modest performance development
overall despite some record results posted in the recent past. The
positive exceptions in this category are Raiffeisen Group and the
cantonal banks of Basel and St. Gallen. Differences in the structural
framework of these institutions and thus in the management and
communication policies and the corporate governance are assumed to be
among the prime reasons for this divergence. The study shows that
companies with high levels of transparency, which kept shareholders
well informed during the period under review, produced a distinctly
higher amount of value added.
IFBC is a corporate consultancy firm focusing on financial
management. It supports national and international companies in the
implementation of a value-oriented management policy in the areas of
Corporate Finance and Corporate Treasury as well as in special
matters of legal interpretation. IFBC was founded in 1997 and employs
a staff of 10.
ots Originaltetxt: IFBC


Thomas Vettiger, Managing Partner
Tel.: +41/43/255'14'55