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Stichting Shell Reserves Compensation Foundation and Royal Dutch Shell plc

Announcement Court Hearing Regarding Binding Declaration of the Shell Settlement Agreement

Amsterdam (ots/PRNewswire)

The Amsterdam Court of
Appeals has scheduled a hearing on 20 November 2008 regarding the
petition to declare the Non-US Settlement Agreement concerning
reserve-related claims binding. The parties to the settlement
agreement include Shell*, institutional investors including APG (All
Pensions Group on behalf of pension fund ABP) and PGGM (on behalf of
Stichting Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn), the Vereniging van
Effectenbezitters (VEB), the Dutch shareholders association
representing individual shareholders in The Netherlands and similar
organizations, and the Stichting Shell Reserves Compensation
Foundation. This settlement agreement provides relief in the amount
of US$352.6 million to qualifying non-U.S.-shareholders who bought
Shell shares on any stock exchange outside the United States between
April 8, 1999 and March 18, 2004 (the Non-US Settlement).
The shareholders referred to in the Settlement Agreement may file
a defense against the petition by the parties to declare the
Settlement Agreement binding with the Court's registry in Amsterdam
by 9 October 2008 at the latest.
Please follow this link
to read the full official announcement.
About the Stichting Shell Reserves Compensation Foundation
The Stichting Shell Reserves Compensation Foundation (the
Foundation) is a foundation representing all shareholders covered by
the European settlement  agreement. The Foundation's participants,
which are all fully supporting the  European settlement agreement,
include approximately 150 institutional  investors, including APG
(All Pensions Group on behalf of pension fund ABP),  PGGM (on behalf
of Stichting Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn), DEKA, Norges,  UBS and
Morley, amongst others) as well as Euroshareholders, the
confederation of European shareholders associations, and 18 other
organizations representing individual shareholders from Belgium,
France,  Germany, Italy, Sweden, The Netherlands and a number of
other countries.  Together with Shell, APG, PGGM and the VEB (the
Dutch Shareholders Association), the Foundation has requested that
the Court declare this settlement binding. If the Court declares the
settlement binding and the settlement agreement becomes final, it is
the Foundation's task to distribute the settlement amounts to the
investors that are entitled thereto.
* The expression "Shell" as used in this release indicates the
two former parent companies, i.e. The Shell Transport and Trading
Company, Ltd., (formerly: The "Shell" Transport and Trading Company,
plc.) and Shell Petroleum N.V. (the successor company to Royal Dutch
Petroleum Company).
For more information please visit our website


Stichting Shell Reserves Compensation Foundation: Rob Okhuijsen,

Weitere Storys: Stichting Shell Reserves Compensation Foundation and Royal Dutch Shell plc
Weitere Storys: Stichting Shell Reserves Compensation Foundation and Royal Dutch Shell plc