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INVENTORISTE Turnover for 2008 Rises Sharply by +32.7%. INVENTORISTE Exceeds its Forecast and Crosses the 23 Million Euro Turnover Threshold

Maurepas, France (ots/PRNewswire)

Public Limited
Company (SA) with a capital of 262,500 Euros divided into  1,312,500
1, Rond-Point Laurent Schwartz - 78310 Maurepas, France
Versailles Trade and Companies Register B 381 503 531
    In EUR th. - IFRS Standards      2008           2007    Difference
    1st quarter                     3,953          3,847          +2.8%
    2nd quarter                     6,883          4,952         +39.0%
    3rd quarter                     2,520          2,222         +13.4%
    4th quarter                     9,934          6,533         +52.0%
    Total Group turnover           23,289         17,555         +32.7%
INVENTORISTE Group turnover for the 2008 financial year has
increased to  23.3 million Euros, rising sharply by 32.7% over 2007.
The Group, which had  announced a 30% increase in its activity, has
therefore exceeded its  forecast.
Growth during the 4th quarter was particularly strong, with all
of the  Group's subsidiaries (France, Spain, Italy, Belgium and
Portugal)  contributing to this increase.
INVENTORISTE has confirmed new growth in its activity for the
current  financial year.
Results for the 2008 financial year will be published on 23 March
2009  after the market close.
Founded in 1991, INVENTORISTE is the French specialist in
inventory  outsourcing, mainly in the distribution sector. The Group
has subsidiaries  in Spain, Italy and Belgium, with a branch in
Alternext - Ticker ALIVT - ISIN Code FR 0010082305
Market capitalisation as at 21/1/2009: 26.9 million Euros


Frédéric Marchal, INVENTORISTE, Tel. +33(0)1-30-49-22-88,; contacts, INVENTORISTE, Press
Release, no. 2009-01; Camille Trémeau, TSAF - VIEL Group, Tel.

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