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CA Immo International AG

euro adhoc: CA Immo International AG
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
  for the content of this announcement.
quaterly report
. Rental income higher than in previous year (+5%) . Significant 
increase in EBITDA; reduction in net income . Negative revaluation 
result in Eastern and South Eastern Europe in Q3 (EUR-   6.7 m) . 66 
% equity ratio and strong liquidity underline healthy financial basis
The result from operations of CA Immo International continued to 
develop positively during the third quarter: rental income amounted 
to EUR 29.7 m (+5%), EBITDA increased by 16% compared to the same 
period of the previous year to EUR 26 m. At the same time a negative 
revaluation result of EUR 6.7 m (equivalent to 1.1% of the standing 
portfolio) was incurred as a result of a noticeable weakening of real
estate values in individual markets. Accordingly the operating result
(EBIT) declined from EUR 67.7 m in the first nine months of 2007 to 
EUR 17.8 m in the first nine months of 2008. The financial result of 
the first nine months 2008 amounted to EUR -2.8 m compared to EUR 
-0.9 m in the first nine months 2007. This decline mainly reflects 
higher financing costs as a result of an increase in financing volume
and non-cash currency losses from the appreciation of the US Dollar. 
Earnings before tax after nine months amounted to EUR 15 m (1-9/2007:
EUR 66.8 m), consolidated net income after minorities was EUR 7.7 m 
(1-9/2007: EUR 55.7 m).
The group's equity ratio at the balance sheet date reached 66%, cash 
and cash equivalents amounted to EUR 149 m and thus were 4% higher 
compared to the beginning of the year. Net debt as of Sept 30, 2008 
was EUR 137.6 m compared to a real estate portfolio of EUR 781 m.
Despite the continuing market turbulence, CA Immo International is 
currently anticipating that operative developments will be largely 
unchanged for the remainder of the year, although further negative 
revaluations are conceivable.
As there are no signs as yet of any easing of the crisis on the 
financial markets, the company currently cannot make any concrete 
statement regarding a dividend for 2008. A decision will therefore be
made on the dividend proposal for 2008 in the spring of 2009 after 
presentation of the annual results."
Key financial figures
|                                  |         |          |
|in EUR million                    |Q1-3 2008|Q1-3 2007 |
|Rental incomes                    |29,7     |28,3      |
|Net operating income              |28,1     |26,3      |
|Result from the sale of properties|7,0      |3,9       |
|EBITDA                            |26,0     |22,4      |
|Revaluation gains/losses          |-6,7     |46,5      |
|Operating result (EBIT)           |17,8     |67,7      |
|Financial result                  |-2,8     |-0,9      |
|Net income before taxes (EBT)     |15,0     |66,8      |
|Consolidated net income           |5,6      |54,6      |
|Consolidated net income, parent   |7,7      |55,7      |
|company                           |         |          |
|Result per share (in EUR)         |0,18     |1,28      |
|Operating cash flow               |17,7     |16,7      |
|Rental income per share (in EUR)  |0,68     |0,65      |
|                                  |         |          |
|                                  |30-9-08  |31-12-07  |
|Property assets (EUR million)     |781,1    |708,4     |
|NAV per share (in EUR)            |14,75    |14,93     |
|NNNAV per share (in EUR)          |15,05    |15,54     |
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

CA Immo International AG

Mag. Claudia Hainz
Tel.: 01/532 59 07-502

Mag. Florian Nowotny
Tel.: 01/532 59 07-518

Branche: Real Estate
Index: WBI, ATX Prime
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market

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Weitere Storys: CA Immo International AG