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Abonner A-TEC Industries AG

A-TEC Industries AG

euro adhoc: A-TEC Industries AG
Mergers - Acquisitions - Takeovers
A-TEC Industries AG acquires about 11.9% of shares of Cumerio S.A.

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
  for the content of this announcement.
Company Information/Cumerio
Vienna, 29 June 2007: A-TEC Industries AG (ISIN AT00000ATEC9) 
discloses today the acquisition of 11.9% or respectively 3,060,000 
shares of the Belgium copper producer Cumerio S.A. (ISIN 
A-TEC Industries considers this acquisition as long-term strategic 
investment. The purchase price was not disclosed.
About Cumerio S.A.: Cumerio S.A. is listed on the Euronext 
stock-exchange in Brussels and is one of the leading companies in 
smelting, refining, recycling, and transformation of copper in 
Europe. Cumerio S.A. is headquartered in Brussels and has industrial 
operations in Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy and Switzerland. Cumerio S.A. 
generated a turnover in 2006 of some EUR 3.4 bn and as at 31 December
2006 Cumerio S.A. employed some 1,450 people
About A-TEC Industries: Vienna listed A-TEC Industries AG is a 
Vienna-based international industrial group with successful 
operations in drive systems, plant engineering, machine tools and 
metallurgy. The Group currently employs around 11,000 people, and the
financial results for 2006 show sales revenues of EUR 1.6 bn.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 29.06.2007 09:42:34

Further inquiry note:

Wächtergasse 1
A-1010 Wien

Mag. Gerald Wechselauer
Head of Investor Relations
Phone: +43 1 22760 - 130
Mobile: +43 (0)664 6104475
Fax: +43 1 22760 - 160

Branche: Holding companies
Index: ATX Prime
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / regulated dealing/prime standard

Plus de actualités: A-TEC Industries AG
Plus de actualités: A-TEC Industries AG