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BKW Energie AG

BKW FMB Energie AG: 2005 Financial Results - Expectations exceeded - focus on future investments

Berne (ots)

BKW FMB Energy Ltd has recorded gratifying results
for fiscal 2005, with a further improvement in profit for the year.
Total operating revenue rose by 12.4% or CHF 218.9 million to CHF
1,989.1 million, while profit increased year-on-year by 40.9% to CHF
306.7 million. The results were positively impacted by solid
performance on the home market, a clear rise in revenue from trading
and international sales, and the above-average financial result.
Generator damage at the Leibstadt nuclear power plant was the main
negative factor impacting income. In the medium term the BKW Group is
planning major investments in the production and network
infrastructure with a view to maintaining security of supply.
In 2005 the BKW Group recorded an increase of 3.3% in total energy
sales to 18,904 Gigawatt-hours (GWh). The five-month stoppage of
production at Leibstadt nuclear power plant resulted in a 34% drop in
energy procurement from Leibstadt compared to the previous year.
Hydroelectricity production declined by 2.3% to 3,489 GWh due to
below-average inflows of water. In terms of peak load energy,
however, the BKW Group consolidated its position. Once more the
Mühleberg nuclear power plant proved its reliability, producing a
total of 2,857 GWh in 2005. This favourable outcome is thanks to the
plant's good condition and uninterrupted operations. The BKW Group
further consolidated its leading market position in the field of new
renewable energies. The solar power plants on the roof of the Stade
de Suisse and on Mont Soleil in the Bernese Jura together produced a
total of 1.3 GWh. Thanks to two new high-performance turbines and
despite light winds, the wind power plant on Mont Crosin generated
20% more electricity.
Higher energy sales in the home market
In 2005 sales of electricity in Switzerland rose by 1.4% to reach
7,058 GWh, as a result of increased demand and new customer
acquisitions. The 0.9% drop in revenue to CHF 878.5 million reported
by Sales Switzerland was attributable to price measures which were
decided on earlier but only became effective in 2005.
Stronger market position abroad
In 2005 the Trade Division skilfully positioned itself in the
market and successfully leveraged price differences, recording
year-on-year trading growth of 3.2% to 7'044 GWh and an increase of
37.3% in revenue to CHF 490.0 million due to the favourable market
environment and opening of the Bernina line at the end of January
2005, which virtually doubled BKW's transmission capacity to Italy.
Sales International posted a CHF 56.8 million or 21.4% increase in
revenue to CHF 322.9 million as a result of rising average prices for
end customers as well as new customer acquisitions.
Positive result
Operating income before depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA)
grew by CH9 million to CHF 431.0 million. Given the price reductions
and generally higher energy procurement costs, this figure is higher
than anticipated. Operating income (EBIT) rose year-on-year by CHF
50.7 million to CHF 334.9 million. The financial result was
positively impacted by extraordinary factors, increasing by CHF 69.6
million to CHF 56.4 million largely on gains on securities related to
the decommissioning and disposal funds as well as gains on securities
held by BKW. At CHF 307.9 million, cash flow from operations was on a
par with the previous-year figure. Consolidated profit for 2005 rose
by 40.9% to end the year at CHF 306.7 million.
Closing the supply gap - a key challenge
BKW intends to further pursue its strategy of vertical
integration, cooperation with partners and regional presence as well
as enhance its autonomy. Given growing shortfalls in electricity
supplies and in view of the forthcoming liberalisation of the
electricity market, BKW will keep all options open over the next few
years and drive ahead expansion of its production, procurement and
transport capacities through targeted investments. This can be
achieved by stepping up performance at existing plants, increasing
its share of regional partner plants, and building or acquiring
holdings in new power plants in Switzerland and neighbouring
Outlook for 2006
Based on business performance in the first few months of 2006 as
well as current price movements on the international markets, BKW
expects to close 2006 with another good result.
2006 General Shareholders' Meeting
Based on this good annual result, BKW will be proposing payment of
a dividend of CHF 2.50 per share at this year's General Shareholders'
Meeting. Antoinette Hunziker-Ebneter will be proposed for appointment
to the Board of Directors.
Further information on BKW, the 2005 Annual Report, Facts &
Figures and speeches at the Annual Press Conference can be viewed
from 12:00 on our website


BKW FMB Energie AG
Viktoriaplatz 2
3000 Bern 25
Tel.: +41/31/330'51'07
Fax: +41/31/330'57'90

Plus de actualités: BKW Energie AG
Plus de actualités: BKW Energie AG