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Jacobs Foundation

The Jacobs Foundation presents the Klaus J. Jacobs Awards, which include cash prizes totaling 1.2 million Swiss francs

Zurich (ots)


- The 2012 Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize is awarded to Prof. Dante Cicchetti, Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.

- The Off Road Kids Foundation in Germany will receive the 2012 Klaus J. Jacobs Best Practice Prize.

The Jacobs Foundation, a Zurich-based foundation active in the field of child and youth development, has announced the recipients of the 2012 Klaus J. Jacobs Awards.

The Research Prize, endowed with 1 million Swiss francs, will be awarded to Professor Dante Cicchetti in recognition of his research on children's resilience and the effects of adversity on development. The Best Practice Prize, endowed with 200,000 Swiss francs, will be presented to the Off Road Kids Foundation for its nationwide efforts to help young runaways and street children in Germany. The awards will be presented on December 7, 2012, at the University of Zurich.

The Jacobs Foundation ( ) is active worldwide in promoting child and youth development. It was founded in 1989 in Zurich by entrepreneur Klaus J. Jacobs. The Jacobs Foundation allocates a budget of approximately 35 million Swiss francs per year to fund research projects, intervention programs and scientific institutions. It is committed to scientific excellence and evidence- based research. With its investment of 200 million euros to support Jacobs University Bremen in Germany (2006) the Jacobs Foundation has set new standards for private funding.

Note for the editorial staff

The entire Press Release, additional information and images are available at:


Cathrin Gutwald
Communication Manager
Jacobs Foundation
Seefeldquai 17 Post
Office Box
8034 Zurich-Switzerland

Phone: +41/44/388'61'26
Mobile: +41/79/916'70'03
Fax: +41/44/388'61'37

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