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CA Immo International AG

euro adhoc: CA Immo International AG
Earnings Forecast
CA Immo International AG publishes preliminary results for 2008

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
  for the content of this announcement.
Result for 2008 impacted by property valuation
Interim results for 2008
. Stable rental income, EBITDA up by 19%
    . Revaluation losses and impairments of properties amount to -11% of
      property assets
    . EBIT down to EUR -62.0 m
    . NAV/share as of 31.12.2008: EUR 12.2
Vienna, 2 March 2009. The preliminary results for 2008 show positive 
operational developments counterbalanced by significant revaluation 
losses and impairments of property assets. Stable rental income, an 
increase in the contribution of property sales to the result to EUR 
7.0 m as well as a decrease in administrative expenses all 
contributed to an increase in EBITDA to EUR 32.2 m (+ 19%). This was 
counterbalanced by impairments and a negative revaluation result 
amounting to a total of EUR -92.2 m. The correction to the value of 
property assets of approximately -11 % reflects the present 
unfavourable climate on the property markets in (South-)Eastern 
Europe. Gross yields (annualised actual rental income in relation to 
current book values) for the income producing properties now stand at
around 7.0% in CEE and at 7.8% in SEE. As a result of the valuation 
losses, the preliminary operating result (EBIT) stands at EUR -62.0 
m. The financial result for 2008 of EUR -32.7 m reflects, amongst 
other things, impairments of participations and financial investments
posted in the fourth quarter of 2008. Preliminary net income before 
taxes was EUR -94.7 m, with preliminary consolidated net income after
minorities at EUR- 96.6 m. As of 31 December 2008, financial 
liabilities stood at EUR 315.6 m, most of which with a long term 
duration - only EUR 28.4 m had a remaining term of less than one 
year. These liabilities are counterbalanced by property assets of 
around EUR 751.7 m and cash of EUR 148.8m. The revaluations have no 
effect on existing financing agreements. The equity ratio amounts to 
56%. As a consequence of the valuation result, the net asset value 
(NAV) per share declined by 22 % to EUR 12.2. No dividend will be 
distributed in the light of the negative annual result. In 2009, the 
operational focus of CA Immo International will be on measures aimed 
at upholding and improving operational cash flow; in particular, this
will mean consistent cost reduction and proactive steps to prevent 
vacancy. Another priority will be on the careful realisation of those
development projects that have already started. Dr. Bruno Ettenauer, 
speaker of the board of CA Immo International: "The revaluation 
losses for 2008 are the result of a valuation of our property 
portfolio that reflects market realities. Although the annual result 
is disappointing, the CA Immo International still has a stable asset 
and financing structure that provides a solid foundation on which we 
can succeed even in the challenging environment that currently faces 
us." Final detailed results for the business year 2008 will be 
published on 24 March 2009.
|Preliminary results for 2008                               |
|                           |2008           |2007           |
|                           |EUR m          |EUR m          |
|Rental income              |38.7           |38.1           |
|EBITDA                     |32.2           |27.0           |
|Impairments/Revaluations   |(92.2)         |57.6           |
|EBIT                       |(62.0)         |82.9           |
|Financial result           |(32.7)         |(1.6)          |
|Net income before taxes    |(94.7)         |81.3           |
|Consolidated net income    |(96.6)         |68.5           |
|after minorities           |               |               |
|                           |               |               |
|NAV per share              |12.20          |14.93          |
|                           |               |               |
end of announcement                               euro adhoc

Further inquiry note:

CA Immo International AG
Investor Relations
Florian Nowotny
Claudia Hainz
Tel.: +43/1/532 59 07-593

Branche: Real Estate
Index: WBI, ATX Prime
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market

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