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Moore Park Group

Statement by Moore Park Goup on the Cash article of 24 June 2004

Nassau (ots)

I wish to reconfirm herewith that Mr. Dieter
Behring, directly or through companies he controls, is not a
shareholder of or does not hold an option to purchase shares of Moore
Park Asset Management Ltd., Moore Park Fund Services Ltd and all
related Moore Park companies. The undersigned, in his name and/or in
the name of Pousaz Holding Ltd., of which he owns 100% of the share
capital, is the sole shareholder of the Moore Park Group comprising
the following active companies: Moore Park Asset Management Ltd.,
Moore Park Fund Services Ltd., Moore Park Funding Ltd., MPI
International Ltd., Moore Park Investments Inc., AMS Administration
Management Services Ltd., Geneva Advisors International Ltd and
Geneva Advisors (UK) Ltd. Moore Park Group is an independent
investment management firm managing funds with different strategies,
most of which are unrelated to Swisspulse trading methodology.
Raymond Pousaz
Moore Park Group